Module dadi.Plotting

Routines for Plotting comparisons between model and data.

These can serve as inspiration for custom routines for one's own purposes. Note that all the plotting is done with pylab. To see additional pylab methods: "import pylab; help(pylab)". Pylab's many functions are documented at

Expand source code
Routines for Plotting comparisons between model and data.

These can serve as inspiration for custom routines for one's own purposes.
Note that all the plotting is done with pylab. To see additional pylab methods:
"import pylab; help(pylab)". Pylab's many functions are documented at

import matplotlib
import pylab
import numpy

#: Custom ticks that label only the lowest and highest bins in an FS plot.
class _sfsTickLocator(matplotlib.ticker.Locator):
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'

            vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval()
            dmin, dmax = self.axis.get_data_interval()
        except AttributeError:
            vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
            dmin, dmax = self.dataInterval.get_bounds()

        tmin = max(vmin, dmin)
        tmax = min(vmax, dmax)

        return numpy.array([round(tmin)+0.5, round(tmax)-0.5])
#: Custom tick formatter
_ctf = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x,pos: '%i' % (x-0.4))

from dadi import Numerics, Inference

def plot_1d_fs(fs, fig_num=None, show=True):
    Plot a 1-dimensional frequency spectrum.

    fs: 1-dimensional Spectrum
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

    Note that all the plotting is done with pylab. To see additional pylab
    methods: "import pylab; help(pylab)". Pylab's many functions are documented

    if fig_num is None:
        fig = pylab.gcf()
        fig = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.semilogy(fs, '-ob')

    ax.set_xlim(0, fs.sample_sizes[0])
    if show:

def plot_1d_comp_multinom(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe',
                          plot_masked=False, show=True):
    Mulitnomial comparison between 1d model and data.

    model: 1-dimensional model SFS
    data: 1-dimensional data SFS
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the 
                 model or data that were masked.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

    This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally
    fit the data.
    model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data)

    plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num, residual,
                         plot_masked, show)

def plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe',
                         plot_masked=False, show=True):
    Poisson comparison between 1d model and data.

    model: 1-dimensional model SFS
    data: 1-dimensional data SFS
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the 
                 model or data that were masked.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,1,1)
    pylab.semilogy(masked_data, '-ob', label='data')
    pylab.semilogy(masked_model, '-or', label='model')

    if plot_masked:
        pylab.semilogy(, '--ob', mfc='w', zorder=-100)
        pylab.semilogy(, '--or', mfc='w', zorder=-100)

    ax.legend(loc='upper right')

    pylab.subplot(2,1,2, sharex = ax)
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data)
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data)
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)
    pylab.plot(resid, '-og')
    if plot_masked:
        pylab.plot(, '--og', mfc='w', zorder=-100)

    ax.set_xlim(0, data.shape[0]-1)
    if show:

def plot_single_2d_sfs(sfs, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, 
                       pop_ids=None, extend='neither', colorbar=True,
    Heatmap of single 2d SFS. 
    If vmax is greater than a factor of 10, plot on log scale.

    Returns colorbar that is created.

    sfs: SFS to plot
    vmin: Values in sfs below vmin are masked in plot.
    vmax: Values in sfs above vmax saturate the color spectrum.
    ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See
            help(pylab.colorbar) for more details.
    colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar?
    cmap: Pylab colormap to use for plotting.
    if ax is None:
        ax = pylab.gca()

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = sfs.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = sfs.max()

    if vmax / vmin > 10:
        # Under matplotlib 1.0.1, default LogFormatter omits some tick lines.
        # This works more consistently.
        norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin*(1-1e-3), vmax=vmax*(1+1e-3))
        format = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterMathtext()
        norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin*(1-1e-3), 
        format = None
    mappable=ax.pcolor(<vmin, sfs), 
                       cmap=cmap, edgecolors='none',
    cb = ax.figure.colorbar(mappable, extend=extend, format=format)
    if not colorbar:
        # A hack so we can manually work around weird ticks in some colorbars
        except AttributeError:
            ax.figure.dadi_colorbars = [cb]

    ax.plot([0,sfs.shape[1]],[0, sfs.shape[0]], '-k', lw=0.2)

    if pop_ids is None:
        if sfs.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = sfs.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1']
    ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[0], verticalalignment='top')
    ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment='bottom')

    for tick in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines() + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines():

    ax.set_xlim(0, sfs.shape[1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, sfs.shape[0])

    return cb

def plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range=None, ax=None, pop_ids=None,
                  extend='neither', colorbar=True,
    Linear heatmap of 2d residual array.

    sfs: Residual array to plot.
    resid_range: Values > resid range or < resid_range saturate the color
    ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See
            help(pylab.colorbar) for more details.
    colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar?
    if ax is None:
        ax = pylab.gca()

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = abs(resid).max()

    mappable=ax.pcolor(resid, cmap=cmap, vmin=-resid_range, 
                       vmax=resid_range, edgecolors='none')

    cbticks = [-resid_range, 0, resid_range]
    format = matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.2g')
    cb = ax.figure.colorbar(mappable, ticks=cbticks, format=format,
    if not colorbar:
        except AttributeError:
            ax.figure.dadi_colorbars = [cb]

    ax.plot([0,resid.shape[1]],[0, resid.shape[0]], '-k', lw=0.2)

    if pop_ids is None:
        if resid.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = resid.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1']
    ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[0], verticalalignment='top')
    ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment='bottom')

    for tick in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines() + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines():

    ax.set_xlim(0, resid.shape[1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, resid.shape[0])

    return cb

# Used to determine whether colorbars should have 'extended' arrows
_extend_mapping = {(True, True): 'neither',
                   (False, True): 'min',
                   (True, False): 'max',
                   (False, False): 'both'}

def plot_2d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                          resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                          pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe',
    Mulitnomial comparison between 2d model and data.

    model: 2-dimensional model SFS
    data: 2-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: Display the figure? False is useful for saving many comparisons
            in a loop.

    This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally
    fit the data.
    model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data)

    plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                         resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num,
                         pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual,

def plot_2d_meta_resid(s_resid,ns_resid,resid_range=None,
                       fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, 
                       adjust=True, show=True):

    Comparison between 2d nonsynonymous residual and 2d synonymous residual.

    s_resid: residual SFS from synonymous data
    ns_resid: residual SFS from nonsynonymous data
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. This range applies to both
                 the residual SFS's supplied as well as the meta-residual plot.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: Display the plot? False can be useful when plotting many in a loop.

    if ns_resid.folded and not s_resid.folded:
        s_resid = s_resid.fold()

    masked_s, masked_ns = Numerics.intersect_masks(s_resid,ns_resid)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, 
                              hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26) 
    max_toplot = max(masked_s.max(), masked_ns.max())
    min_toplot = min(masked_s.min(), masked_ns.min())

    if pop_ids is not None:
        ns_pop_ids = s_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids
        if len(pop_ids) != 2:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 2.')
        ns_pop_ids = masked_ns.pop_ids
        s_pop_ids = masked_s.pop_ids
        if masked_s.pop_ids is None:
            s_pop_ids = ns_pop_ids

        if s_pop_ids == ns_pop_ids:
           resid_pop_ids = s_pop_ids
            resid_pop_ids = None

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(masked_s.max()), abs(masked_s.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= masked_s.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= masked_s.max()]

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1)
    plot_2d_resid(masked_s, resid_range=resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,
    ax.set_title('Synonymous Residuals')

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(masked_ns.max()), abs(masked_ns.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= masked_ns.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= masked_ns.max()]

    ax2 = pylab.subplot(2,2,2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(masked_ns, resid_range=resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,
    ax2.set_title('Nonsynonymous Residuals')

    resid = masked_s-masked_ns

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= resid.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= resid.max()]

    ax3 = pylab.subplot(2,2,3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4)
    flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
    ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True,color='purple')[resid.mask==True]=0
    ax.set_title(r'$res^2$ = '+'{0:.3f}'.format(sum_squares))

    if show:

def plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                         pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe',
                         adjust=True, show=True):
    Poisson comparison between 2d model and data.

    model: 2-dimensional model SFS
    data: 2-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, 
                              hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26)

    max_toplot = max(masked_model.max(), masked_data.max())
    min_toplot = min(masked_model.min(), masked_data.min())
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        data_pop_ids = model_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids
        if len(pop_ids) != 2:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 2.')
        data_pop_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_pop_ids = masked_model.pop_ids
        if masked_model.pop_ids is None:
            model_pop_ids = data_pop_ids

        if model_pop_ids == data_pop_ids:
           resid_pop_ids = model_pop_ids
            resid_pop_ids = None

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=data_pop_ids, colorbar=False)

    ax2 = pylab.subplot(2,2,2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=model_pop_ids, extend=extend)

    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= resid.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= resid.max()]

    ax3 = pylab.subplot(2,2,3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4)
    flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
    ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True)
    if show:

def plot_3d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                          resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                          pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True):
    Multinomial comparison between 3d model and data.

    model: 3-dimensional model SFS
    data: 3-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

    This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally
    fit the data.
    model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data)

    plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                         resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num,
                         pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual,
                         adjust=adjust, show=show)

def plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, 
                         residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True):
    Poisson comparison between 3d model and data.

    model: 3-dimensional model SFS
    data: 3-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8,10))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.95, right=0.95)

    modelmax = max(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    datamax = max(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    modelmin = min(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    datamin = min(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    max_toplot = max(modelmax, datamax)
    min_toplot = min(modelmin, datamin)

    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    # Calculate the residuals
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resids = [Inference.\
                                            mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resids =[Inference.\
                                         mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    min_resid = min([r.min() for r in resids])
    max_resid = max([r.max() for r in resids])
    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(max_resid), abs(min_resid)))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= min_resid, 
                                   resid_range >= max_resid]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        if len(pop_ids) != 3:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 3.')
        data_ids = model_ids = resid_ids = pop_ids
        data_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_ids = masked_model.pop_ids

        if model_ids is None:
            model_ids = data_ids

        if model_ids == data_ids:
           resid_ids = model_ids
            resid_ids = None

    for sax in range(3):
        marg_data = masked_data.sum(axis=2-sax)
        marg_model = masked_model.sum(axis=2-sax)

        curr_ids = []
        for ids in [data_ids, model_ids, resid_ids]:
            if ids is None:
                ids = ['pop0', 'pop1', 'pop2']

            if ids is not None:
                ids = list(ids)
                del ids[2-sax]


        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+1)
        plot_colorbar = (sax == 2)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, pop_ids=curr_ids[0],
                           extend=extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+4, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, 
                           pop_ids=curr_ids[1], extend=extend, colorbar=False)

        resid = resids[sax]
        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+7, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=curr_ids[2],
                      extend=resid_extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+10)
        flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
        ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True)
    if show:

def plot_3d_spectrum(fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, pop_ids=None,
    Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS.

    Note that this method is slow, because it relies on matplotlib's software
    rendering. For faster and better looking plots, use plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi.

    fs: FS to plot
    vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot.
    vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum.
    fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mplot3d
    fig = pylab.figure(fignum)
    ax = mplot3d.Axes3D(fig)

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = fs.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = fs.max()

    # Which entries should I plot?
    toplot = numpy.logical_not(fs.mask)
    toplot = numpy.logical_and(toplot, >= vmin)
    # Figure out the color mapping.
    normalized = (numpy.log(fs)-numpy.log(vmin))\
    normalized = numpy.minimum(normalized, 1)
    colors =
    # We draw by calculating which faces are visible and including each as a
    # polygon.
    polys, polycolors = [],[]
    for ii in range(fs.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(fs.shape[1]):
            for kk in range(fs.shape[2]):
                if not toplot[ii,jj,kk]:
                if kk < fs.shape[2]-1 and toplot[ii,jj,kk+1]:
                if kk > 0 and toplot[ii,jj,kk-1]:
                if jj < fs.shape[1]-1 and toplot[ii,jj+1,kk]:
                if jj > 0 and toplot[ii,jj-1,kk]:
                if ii < fs.shape[0]-1 and toplot[ii+1,jj,kk]:
                if ii > 0 and toplot[ii-1,jj,kk]:

    polycoll = mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, facecolor=polycolors, 
                                              edgecolor='k', linewidths=0.5)

    # Set the limits

    if pop_ids is None:
        if fs.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = fs.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1','pop2']
    ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[0], horizontalalignment='left')
    ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment='bottom')
    ax.set_zlabel(pop_ids[2], verticalalignment='bottom')

    # XXX: I can't set the axis ticks to be just the endpoints.

    if show:

def plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi(fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, 
                            pop_ids=None, show=True):
    Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS.

    This method relies on MayaVi2's mlab interface. See . To edit plot
    properties, click leftmost icon in the toolbar.

    If you get an ImportError upon calling this function, it is likely that you
    don't have mayavi installed.

    fs: FS to plot
    vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot.
    vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum.
    fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created.
            Note that these are MayaVi figures, which are separate from
            matplotlib figures.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    from enthought.mayavi import mlab

    fig = mlab.figure(fignum, bgcolor=(1,1,1))

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = fs.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = fs.max()

    # Which entries should I plot?
    toplot = numpy.logical_not(fs.mask)
    toplot = numpy.logical_and(toplot, >= vmin)

    # For the color mapping
    normalized = (numpy.log(fs)-numpy.log(vmin))\
    normalized = numpy.minimum(normalized, 1)

    xs,ys,zs = numpy.indices(fs.shape)
    flat_xs = xs.flatten()
    flat_ys = ys.flatten()
    flat_zs = zs.flatten()
    flat_toplot = toplot.flatten()
    mlab.barchart(flat_xs[flat_toplot], flat_ys[flat_toplot], 
                  flat_zs[flat_toplot], normalized.flatten()[flat_toplot], 
                  colormap='hsv', scale_mode='none', lateral_scale=1, 

    if pop_ids is None:
        if fs.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = fs.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1','pop2']

    a = mlab.axes(xlabel=pop_ids[0],ylabel=pop_ids[1],zlabel=pop_ids[2], 
                  figure=fig, color=(0,0,0))
    a.axes.label_format = ""
    a.title_text_property.color = (0,0,0)
                '(%i,%i,%i)'%tuple(fs.sample_sizes), scale=0.75, figure=fig,
    mlab.view(azimuth=-40, elevation=65, distance='auto', focalpoint='auto')

    if show:


def plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe', plot_masked=False, show=True)

Poisson comparison between 1d model and data.

model: 1-dimensional model SFS data: 1-dimensional data SFS fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the model or data that were masked. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

Expand source code
def plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe',
                         plot_masked=False, show=True):
    Poisson comparison between 1d model and data.

    model: 1-dimensional model SFS
    data: 1-dimensional data SFS
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the 
                 model or data that were masked.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,1,1)
    pylab.semilogy(masked_data, '-ob', label='data')
    pylab.semilogy(masked_model, '-or', label='model')

    if plot_masked:
        pylab.semilogy(, '--ob', mfc='w', zorder=-100)
        pylab.semilogy(, '--or', mfc='w', zorder=-100)

    ax.legend(loc='upper right')

    pylab.subplot(2,1,2, sharex = ax)
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data)
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data)
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)
    pylab.plot(resid, '-og')
    if plot_masked:
        pylab.plot(, '--og', mfc='w', zorder=-100)

    ax.set_xlim(0, data.shape[0]-1)
    if show:
def plot_1d_comp_multinom(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe', plot_masked=False, show=True)

Mulitnomial comparison between 1d model and data.

model: 1-dimensional model SFS data: 1-dimensional data SFS fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the model or data that were masked. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally fit the data.

Expand source code
def plot_1d_comp_multinom(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe',
                          plot_masked=False, show=True):
    Mulitnomial comparison between 1d model and data.

    model: 1-dimensional model SFS
    data: 1-dimensional data SFS
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the 
                 model or data that were masked.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

    This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally
    fit the data.
    model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data)

    plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num, residual,
                         plot_masked, show)
def plot_1d_fs(fs, fig_num=None, show=True)

Plot a 1-dimensional frequency spectrum.

fs: 1-dimensional Spectrum fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

Note that all the plotting is done with pylab. To see additional pylab methods: "import pylab; help(pylab)". Pylab's many functions are documented at

Expand source code
def plot_1d_fs(fs, fig_num=None, show=True):
    Plot a 1-dimensional frequency spectrum.

    fs: 1-dimensional Spectrum
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

    Note that all the plotting is done with pylab. To see additional pylab
    methods: "import pylab; help(pylab)". Pylab's many functions are documented

    if fig_num is None:
        fig = pylab.gcf()
        fig = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.semilogy(fs, '-ob')

    ax.set_xlim(0, fs.sample_sizes[0])
    if show:
def plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True)

Poisson comparison between 2d model and data.

model: 2-dimensional model SFS data: 2-dimensional data SFS vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and vmax respectively. resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.

Expand source code
def plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                         pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe',
                         adjust=True, show=True):
    Poisson comparison between 2d model and data.

    model: 2-dimensional model SFS
    data: 2-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, 
                              hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26)

    max_toplot = max(masked_model.max(), masked_data.max())
    min_toplot = min(masked_model.min(), masked_data.min())
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        data_pop_ids = model_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids
        if len(pop_ids) != 2:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 2.')
        data_pop_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_pop_ids = masked_model.pop_ids
        if masked_model.pop_ids is None:
            model_pop_ids = data_pop_ids

        if model_pop_ids == data_pop_ids:
           resid_pop_ids = model_pop_ids
            resid_pop_ids = None

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=data_pop_ids, colorbar=False)

    ax2 = pylab.subplot(2,2,2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=model_pop_ids, extend=extend)

    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= resid.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= resid.max()]

    ax3 = pylab.subplot(2,2,3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4)
    flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
    ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True)
    if show:
def plot_2d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True)

Mulitnomial comparison between 2d model and data.

model: 2-dimensional model SFS data: 2-dimensional data SFS vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and vmax respectively. resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. show: Display the figure? False is useful for saving many comparisons in a loop.

This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally fit the data.

Expand source code
def plot_2d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                          resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                          pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe',
    Mulitnomial comparison between 2d model and data.

    model: 2-dimensional model SFS
    data: 2-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: Display the figure? False is useful for saving many comparisons
            in a loop.

    This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally
    fit the data.
    model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data)

    plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                         resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num,
                         pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual,
def plot_2d_meta_resid(s_resid, ns_resid, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, adjust=True, show=True)

Comparison between 2d nonsynonymous residual and 2d synonymous residual.

s_resid: residual SFS from synonymous data ns_resid: residual SFS from nonsynonymous data resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. This range applies to both the residual SFS's supplied as well as the meta-residual plot. fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. show: Display the plot? False can be useful when plotting many in a loop.

Expand source code
def plot_2d_meta_resid(s_resid,ns_resid,resid_range=None,
                       fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, 
                       adjust=True, show=True):

    Comparison between 2d nonsynonymous residual and 2d synonymous residual.

    s_resid: residual SFS from synonymous data
    ns_resid: residual SFS from nonsynonymous data
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. This range applies to both
                 the residual SFS's supplied as well as the meta-residual plot.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: Display the plot? False can be useful when plotting many in a loop.

    if ns_resid.folded and not s_resid.folded:
        s_resid = s_resid.fold()

    masked_s, masked_ns = Numerics.intersect_masks(s_resid,ns_resid)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, 
                              hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26) 
    max_toplot = max(masked_s.max(), masked_ns.max())
    min_toplot = min(masked_s.min(), masked_ns.min())

    if pop_ids is not None:
        ns_pop_ids = s_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids
        if len(pop_ids) != 2:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 2.')
        ns_pop_ids = masked_ns.pop_ids
        s_pop_ids = masked_s.pop_ids
        if masked_s.pop_ids is None:
            s_pop_ids = ns_pop_ids

        if s_pop_ids == ns_pop_ids:
           resid_pop_ids = s_pop_ids
            resid_pop_ids = None

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(masked_s.max()), abs(masked_s.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= masked_s.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= masked_s.max()]

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1)
    plot_2d_resid(masked_s, resid_range=resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,
    ax.set_title('Synonymous Residuals')

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(masked_ns.max()), abs(masked_ns.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= masked_ns.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= masked_ns.max()]

    ax2 = pylab.subplot(2,2,2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(masked_ns, resid_range=resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,
    ax2.set_title('Nonsynonymous Residuals')

    resid = masked_s-masked_ns

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= resid.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= resid.max()]

    ax3 = pylab.subplot(2,2,3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4)
    flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
    ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True,color='purple')[resid.mask==True]=0
    ax.set_title(r'$res^2$ = '+'{0:.3f}'.format(sum_squares))

    if show:
def plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range=None, ax=None, pop_ids=None, extend='neither', colorbar=True, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>)

Linear heatmap of 2d residual array.

sfs: Residual array to plot. resid_range: Values > resid range or < resid_range saturate the color spectrum. ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See help(pylab.colorbar) for more details. colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar?

Expand source code
def plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range=None, ax=None, pop_ids=None,
                  extend='neither', colorbar=True,
    Linear heatmap of 2d residual array.

    sfs: Residual array to plot.
    resid_range: Values > resid range or < resid_range saturate the color
    ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See
            help(pylab.colorbar) for more details.
    colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar?
    if ax is None:
        ax = pylab.gca()

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = abs(resid).max()

    mappable=ax.pcolor(resid, cmap=cmap, vmin=-resid_range, 
                       vmax=resid_range, edgecolors='none')

    cbticks = [-resid_range, 0, resid_range]
    format = matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.2g')
    cb = ax.figure.colorbar(mappable, ticks=cbticks, format=format,
    if not colorbar:
        except AttributeError:
            ax.figure.dadi_colorbars = [cb]

    ax.plot([0,resid.shape[1]],[0, resid.shape[0]], '-k', lw=0.2)

    if pop_ids is None:
        if resid.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = resid.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1']
    ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[0], verticalalignment='top')
    ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment='bottom')

    for tick in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines() + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines():

    ax.set_xlim(0, resid.shape[1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, resid.shape[0])

    return cb
def plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True)

Poisson comparison between 3d model and data.

model: 3-dimensional model SFS data: 3-dimensional data SFS vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and vmax respectively. resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

Expand source code
def plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, 
                         residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True):
    Poisson comparison between 3d model and data.

    model: 3-dimensional model SFS
    data: 3-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8,10))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.95, right=0.95)

    modelmax = max(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    datamax = max(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    modelmin = min(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    datamin = min(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    max_toplot = max(modelmax, datamax)
    min_toplot = min(modelmin, datamin)

    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    # Calculate the residuals
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resids = [Inference.\
                                            mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resids =[Inference.\
                                         mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    min_resid = min([r.min() for r in resids])
    max_resid = max([r.max() for r in resids])
    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(max_resid), abs(min_resid)))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= min_resid, 
                                   resid_range >= max_resid]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        if len(pop_ids) != 3:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 3.')
        data_ids = model_ids = resid_ids = pop_ids
        data_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_ids = masked_model.pop_ids

        if model_ids is None:
            model_ids = data_ids

        if model_ids == data_ids:
           resid_ids = model_ids
            resid_ids = None

    for sax in range(3):
        marg_data = masked_data.sum(axis=2-sax)
        marg_model = masked_model.sum(axis=2-sax)

        curr_ids = []
        for ids in [data_ids, model_ids, resid_ids]:
            if ids is None:
                ids = ['pop0', 'pop1', 'pop2']

            if ids is not None:
                ids = list(ids)
                del ids[2-sax]


        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+1)
        plot_colorbar = (sax == 2)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, pop_ids=curr_ids[0],
                           extend=extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+4, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, 
                           pop_ids=curr_ids[1], extend=extend, colorbar=False)

        resid = resids[sax]
        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+7, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=curr_ids[2],
                      extend=resid_extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+10)
        flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
        ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True)
    if show:
def plot_3d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True)

Multinomial comparison between 3d model and data.

model: 3-dimensional model SFS data: 3-dimensional data SFS vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and vmax respectively. resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally fit the data.

Expand source code
def plot_3d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                          resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                          pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe', adjust=True, show=True):
    Multinomial comparison between 3d model and data.

    model: 3-dimensional model SFS
    data: 3-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

    This comparison is multinomial in that it rescales the model to optimally
    fit the data.
    model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data)

    plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                         resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num,
                         pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual,
                         adjust=adjust, show=show)
def plot_3d_spectrum(fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, pop_ids=None, show=True)

Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS.

Note that this method is slow, because it relies on matplotlib's software rendering. For faster and better looking plots, use plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi.

fs: FS to plot vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot. vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum. fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

Expand source code
def plot_3d_spectrum(fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, pop_ids=None,
    Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS.

    Note that this method is slow, because it relies on matplotlib's software
    rendering. For faster and better looking plots, use plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi.

    fs: FS to plot
    vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot.
    vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum.
    fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mplot3d
    fig = pylab.figure(fignum)
    ax = mplot3d.Axes3D(fig)

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = fs.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = fs.max()

    # Which entries should I plot?
    toplot = numpy.logical_not(fs.mask)
    toplot = numpy.logical_and(toplot, >= vmin)
    # Figure out the color mapping.
    normalized = (numpy.log(fs)-numpy.log(vmin))\
    normalized = numpy.minimum(normalized, 1)
    colors =
    # We draw by calculating which faces are visible and including each as a
    # polygon.
    polys, polycolors = [],[]
    for ii in range(fs.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(fs.shape[1]):
            for kk in range(fs.shape[2]):
                if not toplot[ii,jj,kk]:
                if kk < fs.shape[2]-1 and toplot[ii,jj,kk+1]:
                if kk > 0 and toplot[ii,jj,kk-1]:
                if jj < fs.shape[1]-1 and toplot[ii,jj+1,kk]:
                if jj > 0 and toplot[ii,jj-1,kk]:
                if ii < fs.shape[0]-1 and toplot[ii+1,jj,kk]:
                if ii > 0 and toplot[ii-1,jj,kk]:

    polycoll = mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, facecolor=polycolors, 
                                              edgecolor='k', linewidths=0.5)

    # Set the limits

    if pop_ids is None:
        if fs.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = fs.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1','pop2']
    ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[0], horizontalalignment='left')
    ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment='bottom')
    ax.set_zlabel(pop_ids[2], verticalalignment='bottom')

    # XXX: I can't set the axis ticks to be just the endpoints.

    if show:
def plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi(fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, pop_ids=None, show=True)

Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS.

This method relies on MayaVi2's mlab interface. See . To edit plot properties, click leftmost icon in the toolbar.

If you get an ImportError upon calling this function, it is likely that you don't have mayavi installed.

fs: FS to plot vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot. vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum. fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created. Note that these are MayaVi figures, which are separate from matplotlib figures. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.

Expand source code
def plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi(fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, 
                            pop_ids=None, show=True):
    Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS.

    This method relies on MayaVi2's mlab interface. See . To edit plot
    properties, click leftmost icon in the toolbar.

    If you get an ImportError upon calling this function, it is likely that you
    don't have mayavi installed.

    fs: FS to plot
    vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot.
    vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum.
    fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created.
            Note that these are MayaVi figures, which are separate from
            matplotlib figures.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays.
    from enthought.mayavi import mlab

    fig = mlab.figure(fignum, bgcolor=(1,1,1))

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = fs.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = fs.max()

    # Which entries should I plot?
    toplot = numpy.logical_not(fs.mask)
    toplot = numpy.logical_and(toplot, >= vmin)

    # For the color mapping
    normalized = (numpy.log(fs)-numpy.log(vmin))\
    normalized = numpy.minimum(normalized, 1)

    xs,ys,zs = numpy.indices(fs.shape)
    flat_xs = xs.flatten()
    flat_ys = ys.flatten()
    flat_zs = zs.flatten()
    flat_toplot = toplot.flatten()
    mlab.barchart(flat_xs[flat_toplot], flat_ys[flat_toplot], 
                  flat_zs[flat_toplot], normalized.flatten()[flat_toplot], 
                  colormap='hsv', scale_mode='none', lateral_scale=1, 

    if pop_ids is None:
        if fs.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = fs.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1','pop2']

    a = mlab.axes(xlabel=pop_ids[0],ylabel=pop_ids[1],zlabel=pop_ids[2], 
                  figure=fig, color=(0,0,0))
    a.axes.label_format = ""
    a.title_text_property.color = (0,0,0)
                '(%i,%i,%i)'%tuple(fs.sample_sizes), scale=0.75, figure=fig,
    mlab.view(azimuth=-40, elevation=65, distance='auto', focalpoint='auto')

    if show:
def plot_single_2d_sfs(sfs, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, pop_ids=None, extend='neither', colorbar=True, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap object>)

Heatmap of single 2d SFS.

If vmax is greater than a factor of 10, plot on log scale.

Returns colorbar that is created.

sfs: SFS to plot vmin: Values in sfs below vmin are masked in plot. vmax: Values in sfs above vmax saturate the color spectrum. ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used. pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See help(pylab.colorbar) for more details. colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar? cmap: Pylab colormap to use for plotting.

Expand source code
def plot_single_2d_sfs(sfs, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, 
                       pop_ids=None, extend='neither', colorbar=True,
    Heatmap of single 2d SFS. 
    If vmax is greater than a factor of 10, plot on log scale.

    Returns colorbar that is created.

    sfs: SFS to plot
    vmin: Values in sfs below vmin are masked in plot.
    vmax: Values in sfs above vmax saturate the color spectrum.
    ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See
            help(pylab.colorbar) for more details.
    colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar?
    cmap: Pylab colormap to use for plotting.
    if ax is None:
        ax = pylab.gca()

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = sfs.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = sfs.max()

    if vmax / vmin > 10:
        # Under matplotlib 1.0.1, default LogFormatter omits some tick lines.
        # This works more consistently.
        norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin*(1-1e-3), vmax=vmax*(1+1e-3))
        format = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterMathtext()
        norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin*(1-1e-3), 
        format = None
    mappable=ax.pcolor(<vmin, sfs), 
                       cmap=cmap, edgecolors='none',
    cb = ax.figure.colorbar(mappable, extend=extend, format=format)
    if not colorbar:
        # A hack so we can manually work around weird ticks in some colorbars
        except AttributeError:
            ax.figure.dadi_colorbars = [cb]

    ax.plot([0,sfs.shape[1]],[0, sfs.shape[0]], '-k', lw=0.2)

    if pop_ids is None:
        if sfs.pop_ids is not None:
            pop_ids = sfs.pop_ids
            pop_ids = ['pop0','pop1']
    ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[0], verticalalignment='top')
    ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment='bottom')

    for tick in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines() + ax.yaxis.get_ticklines():

    ax.set_xlim(0, sfs.shape[1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, sfs.shape[0])

    return cb