Module dadi.Triallele.numerics

Expand source code
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from scipy.sparse import identity
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy.special import gamma
from numpy import newaxis as nuax
from dadi import Numerics
from dadi.Spectrum_mod import Spectrum
import dadi
import math
import pickle

from dadi.Triallele.TriSpectrum_mod import TriSpectrum

def grid_dx(x):
    We use uniform grids in x, using np.linspace(0,1,numpts)
    Grid spacing Delta, which is halved at the first and last grid points.
    return (np.concatenate((np.diff(x),np.array([0]))) + np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.diff(x))))/2

def grid_dx_2d(x,dx):
    The two dimensional grid spacing over the domain.
    Grid points lie along the diagonal boundary, and Delta for those points is halved
    DXX = dx[:,nuax]*dx[nuax,:]
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        DXX[ii,len(x)-ii-1] *= 1./2
    return DXX

def int2(DXX,U):
    Integrate the density function over the domain
    DXX - two dimensional grid
    U - density function
    return np.sum(DXX*U)

def domain(x):
    Constructs a matrix with the same dimension as the density function discretization, a 1 indicates that the corresponding point is inside the triangular domain or on the boundary, while a 0 indicates that point falls outside the domain
    tol = 1e-12
    U01 = np.ones((len(x),len(x)))
    XX = x[:,nuax] + x[nuax,:]
    U01[np.where(XX > 1+tol)] = 0
    return U01

### transition matrices

def transition1(x, dx, U01, sig1, sig2):
    Implicit transition matrix for the ADI components of the discretization of the diffusion
    Time scaled by 2N, with variance and mean terms x(1-x) and \sigma*x(1-x), resp.
    Store the tridiagonal elements of the matrices, which need to be adjusted by I + dt*P, where I is the identity matrix
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    U01 - domain markers
    sig1/2 - population scaled selection coefficients
    nu - relative population size
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    print("using numpy, not cython")
    PV = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    PM = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    for jj in range(len(x)):
        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        if jj > 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            V[np.max(np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1))] = 0
            for ii in np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][:-1]:
                if ii == 0:
                    A[ii,ii] =  - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                elif ii == np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][:-1][-1]:
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
        if jj == 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            for ii in range(len(x)):
                if ii == 0:
                    A[ii,ii] =  - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                elif ii == len(x)-1:
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii])*2 * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii])*2 * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
        PV[jj,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PV[jj,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PV[jj,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))

        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        x2 = x[jj]
        sig_new = sig1*(1-x-x2)/(1-x) + (sig1-sig2)*x2/(1-x)
        sig_new[-1] = 0
        M = sig_new*x*(1-x)
        M[np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][-1]] = 0
        for ii in np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0]:
            if ii == 0:
                A[ii,ii] += 1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii+1] += 1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii+1] ) / 2
            elif ii == np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][-1]:
                A[ii,ii-1] += 1/dx[ii] * 2 * ( - M[ii-1] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii] += 1/dx[ii] * 2 * ( - M[ii] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii-1] += 1/dx[ii] * ( - M[ii-1] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii] += 0 #1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii] - M[ii-1] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii+1] += 1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii+1] ) / 2

        PM[jj,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PM[jj,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PM[jj,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))
    return PV,PM

def transition2(x, dx, U01, sig1, sig2):
    Implicit transition matrix for the ADI components of the discretization of the diffusion
    Time scaled by 2N, with variance and mean terms x(1-x) and \sigma*x(1-x), resp.
    Store the tridiagonal elements of the matrices, which need to be adjusted by I + dt*P, where I is the identity matrix
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    U01 - domain markers
    sig1/2 - population scaled selection coefficients
    nu - relative population size
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    PV = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    PM = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        if ii > 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            V[np.max(np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1))] = 0
            for jj in np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][:-1]:
                if jj == 0:
                    A[jj,jj] =  - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                elif jj == np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][:-1][-1]:
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
        if ii == 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            for jj in range(len(x)):
                if jj == 0:
                    A[jj,jj] =  - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                elif jj == len(x)-1:
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj])*2 * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj])*2 * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
        PV[ii,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PV[ii,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PV[ii,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))

        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        x1 = x[ii]
        sig_new = sig2*(1-x-x1)/(1-x) + (sig2-sig1)*x1/(1-x)
        sig_new[-1] = 0
        M = sig_new*x*(1-x)
        M[np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][-1]] = 0
        for jj in np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0]:
            if jj == 0:
                A[jj,jj] += 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj+1] += 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj+1] ) / 2
            elif jj == np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][-1]:
                A[jj,jj-1] += 1/dx[jj] * 2 * ( - M[jj-1] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj] += 1/dx[jj] * 2 * ( - M[jj] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj-1] += 1/dx[jj] * ( - M[jj-1] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj] += 0 # 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj] - M[jj-1] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj+1] += 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj+1] ) / 2
        PM[ii,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PM[ii,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PM[ii,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))
    return PV,PM

def transition12(x, dx, U01):
    Transition matrix for the covariance term of the diffusion operator, with term D_{xy} (-x*y*phi)
    As with the ADI components, final transition matrix is given by I + dt/nu*P
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    U01 - domain markers
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    C = lil_matrix((len(x)**2,len(x)**2))
    for ii in range(len(x)-1)[:-1]:
        for jj in range(len(x)-1)[:-1]:
            if U01[ii+2,jj+2] == 1 or U01[ii+1,jj+2] == 1 or U01[ii+2,jj+1] == 1:
                if ii+1 < len(x) and jj+1 < len(x) and U01[ii+1,jj+1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += 1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj+1])
                if ii+1 < len(x) and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii+1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj-1])
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj+1 < len(x) and U01[ii-1,jj+1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj+1])
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii-1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += 1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj-1])
            elif U01[ii+1,jj+1] == 1 or U01[ii+1,jj] == 1 or U01[ii,jj+1] == 1:
                if ii+1 < len(x) and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii+1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj-1]) / 2
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj+1 < len(x) and U01[ii-1,jj+1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj+1]) / 2
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii-1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += 1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj-1])
    ii = 0
    jj = len(x)-2
    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj-1]) / 2
    ii = len(x)-2
    jj = 0
    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj+1]) / 2
    return C

def transition1D(x, dx, sig):
    transition matrix for one dimensional integration
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    dt - timestep for integration
    sig - selection coefficient
    nu - relative population size
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    PV = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
    PM = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        if ii == 0:
            PV[ii,ii] = 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PV[ii,ii+1] = -1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii+1]*(1-x[ii+1]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PM[ii,ii+1] = sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii+1] * (1-x[ii+1])
        elif ii == len(x) - 1:
            PV[ii,ii-1] = - 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii-1]*(1-x[ii-1]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1])
            PM[ii,ii-1] = sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii-1] * (1-x[ii-1])
            PV[ii,ii] = 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1])
            PV[ii,ii-1] = - 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii-1]*(1-x[ii-1]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1])
            PM[ii,ii-1] = - sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii-1] * (1-x[ii-1])
            PV[ii,ii] = 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1]) + 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PV[ii,ii+1] = - 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii+1]*(1-x[ii+1]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PM[ii,ii+1] = sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii+1] * (1-x[ii+1])
    return PV,PM

transition1D_cache = {}
def cached_transition1D(numpts,sig):
    key = (numpts,sig)
        return transition1D_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
    x = np.linspace(0,1,numpts+1)
    dx = grid_dx(x)
    V,M = transition1D(x,dx,sig)
    transition1D_cache[key] = [V,M]
    return transition1D_cache[key]

def remove_diag_density_weights_nonneutral(x,dt,nu,sig1,sig2):
    Numerically determine the amount of density that should be lost to the diagonal boundary.
    Numerically integrate 1D array with initial point mass at z0, where z0 is the frequency x+y, integrated for time step dt.
    We then check the fraction of density that is lost to z=1.
    If sig1 or sig2 are nonzero, estimate the selection pressure on z as sig = sig1*x/(x+y) + sig2*y/(x+y)
    x - one dimensional grid of domain
    dt - time step of integration
    nu - relative population size
    sig1,sig2 - selection coefficients
    dx = grid_dx(x)
    P = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if x[ii]+x[jj] < 1.0 and x[ii]+x[jj] > .75:
                sig = sig1*x[ii]/(x[ii]+x[jj]) + sig2*x[jj]/(x[ii]+x[jj])
                V,M = cached_transition1D(len(x)-1,sig)
                P1D = np.eye(len(x)) + dt*(V/nu+M)
                y = np.zeros(len(x))
                y[ii+jj] = 1./dx[ii+jj]
                y = advance1D(y,P1D)
                prob = y[-1]*dx[-1]
                P[ii,jj] = prob
                if ii+jj == len(x)-2:
                    if ii==1:
                        V,M = cached_transition1D(len(x)-1,sig1)
                        P1D = np.eye(len(x)) + dt*(V/nu+M)
                        y = np.zeros(len(x))
                        y[ii] = 1./dx[ii]
                        y = advance1D(y,P1D)
                        prob2 = y[0]*dx[0]
                        P[ii,jj] += prob2
                    elif jj==1:
                        V,M = cached_transition1D(len(x)-1,sig2)
                        P1D = np.eye(len(x)) + dt*(V/nu+M)
                        y = np.zeros(len(x))
                        y[jj] = 1./dx[jj]
                        y = advance1D(y,P1D)
                        prob2 = y[0]*dx[0]
                        P[ii,jj] += prob2
    P[:,0] = 0
    P[0,:] = 0
    return P

def move_density_to_bdry(x,phi,P):
    P tells us how much should be removed, by multiplying phi*P
    Take that density and instead of deleting it, move straight to boundary
    P - stores how much denstity from each grid point should be moved to diagonal
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if P[ii,jj] == 0:
                amnt = P[ii,jj]
                s = ii+jj
                if ii == 1 and jj == len(x)-3:
                    phi[ii+1,jj] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj+1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii-1,jj] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2 * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)
                elif ii == len(x)-3 and jj == 1:
                    phi[ii+1,jj] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj+1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj-1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2 * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)
                elif (len(x)-1-s) % 2 == 1:
                    # split between two points
                    dist = (len(x)-1-s) // 2
                    phi[ii+dist+1,jj+dist] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2. * 2
                    phi[ii+dist,jj+dist+1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)
                    # straight to boundary grid point
                    dist = (len(x)-1-s) // 2
                    phi[ii+dist,jj+dist] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)

    return phi

### forward integration methods

def advance_adi(U,U01,P1,P2,x,ii):
    Integrate the ADI components forward in time, alternating which direction occurs first
    U - density function
    U01 - stores which points are in the domain
    P1,P2 - transition matrices
    ii - count of integration step
    if np.mod(ii,2) == 0:
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[:,jj]) > 1:
                U[:,jj] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P1[jj,0,:],P1[jj,1,:],P1[jj,2,:],U[:,jj])
        for ii in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[ii,:]) > 1:
                U[ii,:] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P2[ii,0,:],P2[ii,1,:],P2[ii,2,:],U[ii,:])
        for ii in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[ii,:]) > 1:
                U[ii,:] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P2[ii,0,:],P2[ii,1,:],P2[ii,2,:],U[ii,:])
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[:,jj]) > 1:
                U[:,jj] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P1[jj,0,:],P1[jj,1,:],P1[jj,2,:],U[:,jj])
    return U

def advance_cov(U,C,x,dx):
    Explicit integration of the covariance term, using scipy's sparse matrix for C
    U - density function
    C - transition matrix
    U = ( C * U.reshape(len(x)**2)).reshape(len(x),len(x))
    return U

def advance1D(u,P):
    tridiag breakdown for integration along the diagonal boundary
    u - density along that diagonal
    P - transition matrix
    a = np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.diag(P,-1)))
    b = np.diag(P)
    c = np.concatenate((np.diag(P,1),np.array([0])))
    u = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(a,b,c,u)
    return u

def advance_line(x,phi,P):
    Integrate along the diagonal boundary. Density gets fixed along the boundary, and then diffuses along that boundary until being fixed in one of the two corners
    P - one dimensional transition matrix for the diagonal boundary
    u = np.diag(np.fliplr(phi))
    u = advance1D(u,P)
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        phi[ii,len(x) - ii - 1] = u[ii]
    return phi

### sampling methods

sample_cache = {}
def sample(phi, ns, x):
    Obtain the expected sample frequency spectrum from the density function
    dx = grid_dx(x)
    DXX = grid_dx_2d(x,dx)

    # Assume ns is typically a list of length 1, if not, make it into one.
        ns = tuple(ns)
    except TypeError:
        ns = (ns,)

    # We cache calculations of several big matrices that will be re-used 
    # within and between integrations.
    key = (ns, tuple(x))
    if key not in sample_cache:
        this_cache = {}
        for ii in range(1,ns[0]-1):
            # Create our cache
            this_cache[ii] = (1-x[:,nuax]-x[nuax,:])**ii
            # Somewhat ugly hack to use negative values to store second array
            # to cache.
            this_cache[-ii] = x[nuax,:]**ii
        sample_cache[key] = this_cache
        this_cache = sample_cache[key]

    #dx = grid_dx(x)
    F = np.zeros((ns[0]+1,ns[0]+1))
    prod_phi = DXX*phi
    for ii in range(len(F)):
        prod_x = prod_phi * x[:,nuax]**ii
        for jj in range(len(F)):
            if ii+jj < ns[0] and ii != 0 and jj != 0:
                #F[ii,jj] = math.factorial(ns)/(math.factorial(ii)*math.factorial(jj)*math.factorial(ns-ii-jj)) * int2(x, dx, phi*x[:,nuax]**ii*x[nuax,:]**jj*(1-x[:,nuax]-x[nuax,:])**(ns-ii-jj) )
                F[ii,jj] = trinomial(ns[0],ii,jj) * np.sum(prod_x * this_cache[-jj] * this_cache[ns[0]-ii-jj])
    F = TriSpectrum(F)
    F.folded_major = False
    F.folded_ancestral = False
    F.extrap_x = x[1]
    return F

def trinomial(ns,ii,jj):
    Return ns!/(ii! * jj! * (ns-ii-jj)!) for large values
    return np.exp(math.lgamma(ns+1) - math.lgamma(ii+1) - math.lgamma(jj+1) - math.lgamma(ns-ii-jj+1))

### various methods for spectrum manipulation or other methods needed for data fitting

def misidentification(F, p):
    Given folded spectrum, and probability p that one of the derived alleles is the actual ancestral allele
    Then refold to return folded spectrum
    F = TriF(np.zeros((len(F),len(F))))
    for ii in range(len(F))[1:-1]:
        for jj in range(len(F))[1:ii+1]:
            if ii+jj < len(F):
                F[ii,jj] += (1 - p) * F[ii,jj]
                F[len(F)-1-ii-jj,jj] += p/2. * F[ii,jj]
                F[ii,len(F)-1-ii-jj] += p/2. * F[ii,jj]
    return F.fold()
def fold(spectrum):
    Note: this is now handled in the TriSpectrum class
    Given a frequency spectrum over the full domain, fold into a spectrum with major and minor derived alleles
    spectrum = TriSpectrum(spectrum)
    if spectrum.folded_major == True:
        print("error: trying to fold a spectrum that is already folded")
        return spectrum
        spectrum = (spectrum + np.transpose(spectrum))
        for ii in range(len(spectrum)):
            spectrum[ii,ii] = spectrum[ii,ii]/2
        spectrum.mask[0,:] = True
        spectrum.mask[:,0] = True
        for ii in range(len(spectrum)):
            spectrum.mask[ii,ii+1:] = True
            spectrum.mask[ii,len(spectrum)-1-ii:] = True
        return spectrum

def univariate_lognormal_pdf(x,sigma,mu):
    Can compare to scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(x,sigma,0,np.exp(mu))
    return 1./(x*sigma*np.sqrt(2*math.pi)) * np.exp ( -(np.log(x) - mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2) )

def bivariate_lognormal_pdf(xx, params):
    mu_i = mu_yi and sigma_i = sigma_yi are the associated means and variances of the bivariate normal distr which gets exponentiated
    We assume for our application that mu1=mu2 and sigma1=sigma2, though this isn't necessary for the general bivariate lognormal distribution
    mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, rho = params
    norm = 1./(2 * np.pi * (sigma1*sigma2) * np.sqrt(1-rho**2) * np.outer(xx,xx) )
    q = 1/(1-rho**2) * ( ((np.log(xx[nuax,:])-mu1)/sigma1)**2 - 2*rho*((np.log(xx[nuax,:])-mu1)/sigma1)*((np.log(xx[:,nuax])-mu2)/sigma2) + ((np.log(xx[:,nuax])-mu2)/sigma2)**2 )
    prob = norm * np.exp( -q/2. )
    return prob

def ms_demo_params_to_dadi(nu_ms,tau_ms):
    convert from ms parameters (which use current pop size) for nu and tau to dadi parameters (which use ancestral pop size)
    return 1./nu_ms,2*tau_ms/nu_ms

def optimal_sfs_scaling(model,data):
    data = numerics.fold(data)
    model = numerics.fold(data)
    model, data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)
    return data.sum()/model.sum()

#def tri_spectrum(array):
#    """
#    takes array and outputs correctly masked triallele spectrum
#    """
#    F = dadi.Spectrum(array)
#    F.mask[:,0] = True
#    F.mask[0,:] = True
#    for ii in range(len(F))[1:]:
#        F.mask[ii,len(F)-ii-1:] = True
#    return F
def fold_ancestral(F):
    Note: this is now handled by the TriSpectrum class
    Don't know ancestral state, so track minor frequencies
    Store spectrum of two minor allele frequencies
    F_new = 0*F
    F_new = TriSpectrum(F_new)
    ns = len(F)-1
    for ii in range(ns):
        for jj in range(ns):
            kk = ns-ii-jj
            if F.mask[ii,jj] == True:
            elif ii <= kk and jj <= kk:
                if ii >= jj:
                    F_new[ii,jj] += F[ii,jj]
                    F_new[jj,ii] += F[ii,jj]
            elif ii > kk and jj <= kk:
                F_new[kk,jj] += F[ii,jj]
            elif ii <= kk and jj > kk:
                F_new[kk,ii] += F[ii,jj]
            else: # ii > kk and jj > kk
                if ii >= jj:
                    F_new[jj,kk] += F[ii,jj]
                    F_new[ii,kk] += F[ii,jj]
    # mask if not a valid entry for ancestrally folded spectrum
    for ii in range(ns):
        for jj in range(ns):
            kk = ns-ii-jj
            if not (kk>=ii>=jj):
                F_new.mask[ii,jj] = True
    return F_new

def ln_binomial(n,k):
    return math.lgamma(n+1) - math.lgamma(k+1) - math.lgamma(n-k+1)

projection_cache = {}
def cached_projection(proj_to,proj_from,hits):
    Coefficients for projection from a larger size to smaller
    proj_to: Number of samples to project down to
    proj_from: Number of samples to project from
    hits: Number of derived alleles projecting from - tuple of (n1,n3)
    key = (proj_to, proj_from, hits)
        return projection_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
    X1, X2 = hits
    X3 = proj_from - X1 - X2
    proj_weights = np.zeros((proj_to+1,proj_to+1))
    for ii in range(X1+1):
        for jj in range(X2+1):
            kk = proj_to - ii - jj
            if kk > X3 or kk <0:
            f = ln_binomial(X1,ii) + ln_binomial(X2,jj) + ln_binomial(X3,kk) - ln_binomial(proj_from,proj_to)
            proj_weights[ii,jj] = np.exp(f)
    projection_cache[key] = proj_weights
    return proj_weights
def project(F_from, proj_to):
    proj_from = len(F_from)-1
    if proj_to == proj_from:
        return F_from
    elif proj_to > proj_from:
        print('sorry, but projection must be to smaller size!')
        return F_from
        F_proj = np.zeros((proj_to+1,proj_to+1))
        for X1 in range(proj_from):
            for X2 in range(proj_from):
                if F_from.mask[X1,X2] == False:
                    hits = (X1,X2)
                    proj_weights = cached_projection(proj_to,proj_from,hits)
                    F_proj += proj_weights * F_from[X1,X2]
        return TriSpectrum(F_proj).fold()

# Try importing cythonized versions of several slow methods. These imports should overwrite the Python code defined above.
    from transition1 import transition1
    from transition2 import transition2
    from transition12 import transition12
    from transition1D import transition1D
except ImportError:


def advance1D(u, P)

tridiag breakdown for integration along the diagonal boundary u - density along that diagonal P - transition matrix

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def advance1D(u,P):
    tridiag breakdown for integration along the diagonal boundary
    u - density along that diagonal
    P - transition matrix
    a = np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.diag(P,-1)))
    b = np.diag(P)
    c = np.concatenate((np.diag(P,1),np.array([0])))
    u = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(a,b,c,u)
    return u
def advance_adi(U, U01, P1, P2, x, ii)

Integrate the ADI components forward in time, alternating which direction occurs first U - density function U01 - stores which points are in the domain P1,P2 - transition matrices ii - count of integration step

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def advance_adi(U,U01,P1,P2,x,ii):
    Integrate the ADI components forward in time, alternating which direction occurs first
    U - density function
    U01 - stores which points are in the domain
    P1,P2 - transition matrices
    ii - count of integration step
    if np.mod(ii,2) == 0:
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[:,jj]) > 1:
                U[:,jj] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P1[jj,0,:],P1[jj,1,:],P1[jj,2,:],U[:,jj])
        for ii in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[ii,:]) > 1:
                U[ii,:] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P2[ii,0,:],P2[ii,1,:],P2[ii,2,:],U[ii,:])
        for ii in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[ii,:]) > 1:
                U[ii,:] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P2[ii,0,:],P2[ii,1,:],P2[ii,2,:],U[ii,:])
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if np.sum(U01[:,jj]) > 1:
                U[:,jj] = dadi.Integration.tridiag.tridiag(P1[jj,0,:],P1[jj,1,:],P1[jj,2,:],U[:,jj])
    return U
def advance_cov(U, C, x, dx)

Explicit integration of the covariance term, using scipy's sparse matrix for C U - density function C - transition matrix

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def advance_cov(U,C,x,dx):
    Explicit integration of the covariance term, using scipy's sparse matrix for C
    U - density function
    C - transition matrix
    U = ( C * U.reshape(len(x)**2)).reshape(len(x),len(x))
    return U
def advance_line(x, phi, P)

Integrate along the diagonal boundary. Density gets fixed along the boundary, and then diffuses along that boundary until being fixed in one of the two corners P - one dimensional transition matrix for the diagonal boundary

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def advance_line(x,phi,P):
    Integrate along the diagonal boundary. Density gets fixed along the boundary, and then diffuses along that boundary until being fixed in one of the two corners
    P - one dimensional transition matrix for the diagonal boundary
    u = np.diag(np.fliplr(phi))
    u = advance1D(u,P)
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        phi[ii,len(x) - ii - 1] = u[ii]
    return phi
def bivariate_lognormal_pdf(xx, params)

mu_i = mu_yi and sigma_i = sigma_yi are the associated means and variances of the bivariate normal distr which gets exponentiated We assume for our application that mu1=mu2 and sigma1=sigma2, though this isn't necessary for the general bivariate lognormal distribution

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def bivariate_lognormal_pdf(xx, params):
    mu_i = mu_yi and sigma_i = sigma_yi are the associated means and variances of the bivariate normal distr which gets exponentiated
    We assume for our application that mu1=mu2 and sigma1=sigma2, though this isn't necessary for the general bivariate lognormal distribution
    mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, rho = params
    norm = 1./(2 * np.pi * (sigma1*sigma2) * np.sqrt(1-rho**2) * np.outer(xx,xx) )
    q = 1/(1-rho**2) * ( ((np.log(xx[nuax,:])-mu1)/sigma1)**2 - 2*rho*((np.log(xx[nuax,:])-mu1)/sigma1)*((np.log(xx[:,nuax])-mu2)/sigma2) + ((np.log(xx[:,nuax])-mu2)/sigma2)**2 )
    prob = norm * np.exp( -q/2. )
    return prob
def cached_projection(proj_to, proj_from, hits)

Coefficients for projection from a larger size to smaller proj_to: Number of samples to project down to proj_from: Number of samples to project from hits: Number of derived alleles projecting from - tuple of (n1,n3)

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def cached_projection(proj_to,proj_from,hits):
    Coefficients for projection from a larger size to smaller
    proj_to: Number of samples to project down to
    proj_from: Number of samples to project from
    hits: Number of derived alleles projecting from - tuple of (n1,n3)
    key = (proj_to, proj_from, hits)
        return projection_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
    X1, X2 = hits
    X3 = proj_from - X1 - X2
    proj_weights = np.zeros((proj_to+1,proj_to+1))
    for ii in range(X1+1):
        for jj in range(X2+1):
            kk = proj_to - ii - jj
            if kk > X3 or kk <0:
            f = ln_binomial(X1,ii) + ln_binomial(X2,jj) + ln_binomial(X3,kk) - ln_binomial(proj_from,proj_to)
            proj_weights[ii,jj] = np.exp(f)
    projection_cache[key] = proj_weights
    return proj_weights
def cached_transition1D(numpts, sig)
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def cached_transition1D(numpts,sig):
    key = (numpts,sig)
        return transition1D_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
    x = np.linspace(0,1,numpts+1)
    dx = grid_dx(x)
    V,M = transition1D(x,dx,sig)
    transition1D_cache[key] = [V,M]
    return transition1D_cache[key]
def domain(x)

Constructs a matrix with the same dimension as the density function discretization, a 1 indicates that the corresponding point is inside the triangular domain or on the boundary, while a 0 indicates that point falls outside the domain

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def domain(x):
    Constructs a matrix with the same dimension as the density function discretization, a 1 indicates that the corresponding point is inside the triangular domain or on the boundary, while a 0 indicates that point falls outside the domain
    tol = 1e-12
    U01 = np.ones((len(x),len(x)))
    XX = x[:,nuax] + x[nuax,:]
    U01[np.where(XX > 1+tol)] = 0
    return U01
def fold(spectrum)

Note: this is now handled in the TriSpectrum class Given a frequency spectrum over the full domain, fold into a spectrum with major and minor derived alleles

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def fold(spectrum):
    Note: this is now handled in the TriSpectrum class
    Given a frequency spectrum over the full domain, fold into a spectrum with major and minor derived alleles
    spectrum = TriSpectrum(spectrum)
    if spectrum.folded_major == True:
        print("error: trying to fold a spectrum that is already folded")
        return spectrum
        spectrum = (spectrum + np.transpose(spectrum))
        for ii in range(len(spectrum)):
            spectrum[ii,ii] = spectrum[ii,ii]/2
        spectrum.mask[0,:] = True
        spectrum.mask[:,0] = True
        for ii in range(len(spectrum)):
            spectrum.mask[ii,ii+1:] = True
            spectrum.mask[ii,len(spectrum)-1-ii:] = True
        return spectrum
def fold_ancestral(F)

Note: this is now handled by the TriSpectrum class Don't know ancestral state, so track minor frequencies Store spectrum of two minor allele frequencies

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def fold_ancestral(F):
    Note: this is now handled by the TriSpectrum class
    Don't know ancestral state, so track minor frequencies
    Store spectrum of two minor allele frequencies
    F_new = 0*F
    F_new = TriSpectrum(F_new)
    ns = len(F)-1
    for ii in range(ns):
        for jj in range(ns):
            kk = ns-ii-jj
            if F.mask[ii,jj] == True:
            elif ii <= kk and jj <= kk:
                if ii >= jj:
                    F_new[ii,jj] += F[ii,jj]
                    F_new[jj,ii] += F[ii,jj]
            elif ii > kk and jj <= kk:
                F_new[kk,jj] += F[ii,jj]
            elif ii <= kk and jj > kk:
                F_new[kk,ii] += F[ii,jj]
            else: # ii > kk and jj > kk
                if ii >= jj:
                    F_new[jj,kk] += F[ii,jj]
                    F_new[ii,kk] += F[ii,jj]
    # mask if not a valid entry for ancestrally folded spectrum
    for ii in range(ns):
        for jj in range(ns):
            kk = ns-ii-jj
            if not (kk>=ii>=jj):
                F_new.mask[ii,jj] = True
    return F_new
def grid_dx(x)

We use uniform grids in x, using np.linspace(0,1,numpts) Grid spacing Delta, which is halved at the first and last grid points.

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def grid_dx(x):
    We use uniform grids in x, using np.linspace(0,1,numpts)
    Grid spacing Delta, which is halved at the first and last grid points.
    return (np.concatenate((np.diff(x),np.array([0]))) + np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.diff(x))))/2
def grid_dx_2d(x, dx)

The two dimensional grid spacing over the domain. Grid points lie along the diagonal boundary, and Delta for those points is halved

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def grid_dx_2d(x,dx):
    The two dimensional grid spacing over the domain.
    Grid points lie along the diagonal boundary, and Delta for those points is halved
    DXX = dx[:,nuax]*dx[nuax,:]
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        DXX[ii,len(x)-ii-1] *= 1./2
    return DXX
def int2(DXX, U)

Integrate the density function over the domain DXX - two dimensional grid U - density function

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def int2(DXX,U):
    Integrate the density function over the domain
    DXX - two dimensional grid
    U - density function
    return np.sum(DXX*U)
def ln_binomial(n, k)
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def ln_binomial(n,k):
    return math.lgamma(n+1) - math.lgamma(k+1) - math.lgamma(n-k+1)
def misidentification(F, p)

Given folded spectrum, and probability p that one of the derived alleles is the actual ancestral allele Then refold to return folded spectrum

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def misidentification(F, p):
    Given folded spectrum, and probability p that one of the derived alleles is the actual ancestral allele
    Then refold to return folded spectrum
    F = TriF(np.zeros((len(F),len(F))))
    for ii in range(len(F))[1:-1]:
        for jj in range(len(F))[1:ii+1]:
            if ii+jj < len(F):
                F[ii,jj] += (1 - p) * F[ii,jj]
                F[len(F)-1-ii-jj,jj] += p/2. * F[ii,jj]
                F[ii,len(F)-1-ii-jj] += p/2. * F[ii,jj]
    return F.fold()
def move_density_to_bdry(x, phi, P)

P tells us how much should be removed, by multiplying phi*P Take that density and instead of deleting it, move straight to boundary P - stores how much denstity from each grid point should be moved to diagonal

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def move_density_to_bdry(x,phi,P):
    P tells us how much should be removed, by multiplying phi*P
    Take that density and instead of deleting it, move straight to boundary
    P - stores how much denstity from each grid point should be moved to diagonal
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if P[ii,jj] == 0:
                amnt = P[ii,jj]
                s = ii+jj
                if ii == 1 and jj == len(x)-3:
                    phi[ii+1,jj] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj+1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii-1,jj] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2 * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)
                elif ii == len(x)-3 and jj == 1:
                    phi[ii+1,jj] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj+1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/4. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj-1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2 * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)
                elif (len(x)-1-s) % 2 == 1:
                    # split between two points
                    dist = (len(x)-1-s) // 2
                    phi[ii+dist+1,jj+dist] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2. * 2
                    phi[ii+dist,jj+dist+1] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt/2. * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)
                    # straight to boundary grid point
                    dist = (len(x)-1-s) // 2
                    phi[ii+dist,jj+dist] += phi[ii,jj]*amnt * 2
                    phi[ii,jj] *= (1-amnt)

    return phi
def ms_demo_params_to_dadi(nu_ms, tau_ms)

convert from ms parameters (which use current pop size) for nu and tau to dadi parameters (which use ancestral pop size)

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def ms_demo_params_to_dadi(nu_ms,tau_ms):
    convert from ms parameters (which use current pop size) for nu and tau to dadi parameters (which use ancestral pop size)
    return 1./nu_ms,2*tau_ms/nu_ms
def optimal_sfs_scaling(model, data)
Expand source code
def optimal_sfs_scaling(model,data):
    data = numerics.fold(data)
    model = numerics.fold(data)
    model, data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)
    return data.sum()/model.sum()
def project(F_from, proj_to)
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def project(F_from, proj_to):
    proj_from = len(F_from)-1
    if proj_to == proj_from:
        return F_from
    elif proj_to > proj_from:
        print('sorry, but projection must be to smaller size!')
        return F_from
        F_proj = np.zeros((proj_to+1,proj_to+1))
        for X1 in range(proj_from):
            for X2 in range(proj_from):
                if F_from.mask[X1,X2] == False:
                    hits = (X1,X2)
                    proj_weights = cached_projection(proj_to,proj_from,hits)
                    F_proj += proj_weights * F_from[X1,X2]
        return TriSpectrum(F_proj).fold()
def remove_diag_density_weights_nonneutral(x, dt, nu, sig1, sig2)

Numerically determine the amount of density that should be lost to the diagonal boundary. Numerically integrate 1D array with initial point mass at z0, where z0 is the frequency x+y, integrated for time step dt. We then check the fraction of density that is lost to z=1. If sig1 or sig2 are nonzero, estimate the selection pressure on z as sig = sig1x/(x+y) + sig2y/(x+y) x - one dimensional grid of domain dt - time step of integration nu - relative population size sig1,sig2 - selection coefficients

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def remove_diag_density_weights_nonneutral(x,dt,nu,sig1,sig2):
    Numerically determine the amount of density that should be lost to the diagonal boundary.
    Numerically integrate 1D array with initial point mass at z0, where z0 is the frequency x+y, integrated for time step dt.
    We then check the fraction of density that is lost to z=1.
    If sig1 or sig2 are nonzero, estimate the selection pressure on z as sig = sig1*x/(x+y) + sig2*y/(x+y)
    x - one dimensional grid of domain
    dt - time step of integration
    nu - relative population size
    sig1,sig2 - selection coefficients
    dx = grid_dx(x)
    P = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        for jj in range(len(x)):
            if x[ii]+x[jj] < 1.0 and x[ii]+x[jj] > .75:
                sig = sig1*x[ii]/(x[ii]+x[jj]) + sig2*x[jj]/(x[ii]+x[jj])
                V,M = cached_transition1D(len(x)-1,sig)
                P1D = np.eye(len(x)) + dt*(V/nu+M)
                y = np.zeros(len(x))
                y[ii+jj] = 1./dx[ii+jj]
                y = advance1D(y,P1D)
                prob = y[-1]*dx[-1]
                P[ii,jj] = prob
                if ii+jj == len(x)-2:
                    if ii==1:
                        V,M = cached_transition1D(len(x)-1,sig1)
                        P1D = np.eye(len(x)) + dt*(V/nu+M)
                        y = np.zeros(len(x))
                        y[ii] = 1./dx[ii]
                        y = advance1D(y,P1D)
                        prob2 = y[0]*dx[0]
                        P[ii,jj] += prob2
                    elif jj==1:
                        V,M = cached_transition1D(len(x)-1,sig2)
                        P1D = np.eye(len(x)) + dt*(V/nu+M)
                        y = np.zeros(len(x))
                        y[jj] = 1./dx[jj]
                        y = advance1D(y,P1D)
                        prob2 = y[0]*dx[0]
                        P[ii,jj] += prob2
    P[:,0] = 0
    P[0,:] = 0
    return P
def sample(phi, ns, x)

Obtain the expected sample frequency spectrum from the density function

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def sample(phi, ns, x):
    Obtain the expected sample frequency spectrum from the density function
    dx = grid_dx(x)
    DXX = grid_dx_2d(x,dx)

    # Assume ns is typically a list of length 1, if not, make it into one.
        ns = tuple(ns)
    except TypeError:
        ns = (ns,)

    # We cache calculations of several big matrices that will be re-used 
    # within and between integrations.
    key = (ns, tuple(x))
    if key not in sample_cache:
        this_cache = {}
        for ii in range(1,ns[0]-1):
            # Create our cache
            this_cache[ii] = (1-x[:,nuax]-x[nuax,:])**ii
            # Somewhat ugly hack to use negative values to store second array
            # to cache.
            this_cache[-ii] = x[nuax,:]**ii
        sample_cache[key] = this_cache
        this_cache = sample_cache[key]

    #dx = grid_dx(x)
    F = np.zeros((ns[0]+1,ns[0]+1))
    prod_phi = DXX*phi
    for ii in range(len(F)):
        prod_x = prod_phi * x[:,nuax]**ii
        for jj in range(len(F)):
            if ii+jj < ns[0] and ii != 0 and jj != 0:
                #F[ii,jj] = math.factorial(ns)/(math.factorial(ii)*math.factorial(jj)*math.factorial(ns-ii-jj)) * int2(x, dx, phi*x[:,nuax]**ii*x[nuax,:]**jj*(1-x[:,nuax]-x[nuax,:])**(ns-ii-jj) )
                F[ii,jj] = trinomial(ns[0],ii,jj) * np.sum(prod_x * this_cache[-jj] * this_cache[ns[0]-ii-jj])
    F = TriSpectrum(F)
    F.folded_major = False
    F.folded_ancestral = False
    F.extrap_x = x[1]
    return F
def transition1(x, dx, U01, sig1, sig2)

Implicit transition matrix for the ADI components of the discretization of the diffusion Time scaled by 2N, with variance and mean terms x(1-x) and \sigmax(1-x), resp. Store the tridiagonal elements of the matrices, which need to be adjusted by I + dtP, where I is the identity matrix x - grid dx - grid spacing U01 - domain markers sig1/2 - population scaled selection coefficients nu - relative population size

Expand source code
def transition1(x, dx, U01, sig1, sig2):
    Implicit transition matrix for the ADI components of the discretization of the diffusion
    Time scaled by 2N, with variance and mean terms x(1-x) and \sigma*x(1-x), resp.
    Store the tridiagonal elements of the matrices, which need to be adjusted by I + dt*P, where I is the identity matrix
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    U01 - domain markers
    sig1/2 - population scaled selection coefficients
    nu - relative population size
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    print("using numpy, not cython")
    PV = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    PM = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    for jj in range(len(x)):
        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        if jj > 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            V[np.max(np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1))] = 0
            for ii in np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][:-1]:
                if ii == 0:
                    A[ii,ii] =  - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                elif ii == np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][:-1][-1]:
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
        if jj == 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            for ii in range(len(x)):
                if ii == 0:
                    A[ii,ii] =  - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                elif ii == len(x)-1:
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii])*2 * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii])*2 * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii-1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii-1]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) )
                    A[ii,ii] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( -V[ii]/(x[ii]-x[ii-1]) -V[ii]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
                    A[ii,ii+1] = - 1/(2*dx[ii]) * ( V[ii+1]/(x[ii+1]-x[ii]) )
        PV[jj,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PV[jj,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PV[jj,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))

        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        x2 = x[jj]
        sig_new = sig1*(1-x-x2)/(1-x) + (sig1-sig2)*x2/(1-x)
        sig_new[-1] = 0
        M = sig_new*x*(1-x)
        M[np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][-1]] = 0
        for ii in np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0]:
            if ii == 0:
                A[ii,ii] += 1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii+1] += 1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii+1] ) / 2
            elif ii == np.where(U01[:,jj] == 1)[0][-1]:
                A[ii,ii-1] += 1/dx[ii] * 2 * ( - M[ii-1] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii] += 1/dx[ii] * 2 * ( - M[ii] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii-1] += 1/dx[ii] * ( - M[ii-1] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii] += 0 #1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii] - M[ii-1] ) / 2
                A[ii,ii+1] += 1/dx[ii] * ( M[ii+1] ) / 2

        PM[jj,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PM[jj,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PM[jj,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))
    return PV,PM
def transition12(x, dx, U01)

Transition matrix for the covariance term of the diffusion operator, with term D_{xy} (-xyphi) As with the ADI components, final transition matrix is given by I + dt/nu*P x - grid dx - grid spacing U01 - domain markers

Expand source code
def transition12(x, dx, U01):
    Transition matrix for the covariance term of the diffusion operator, with term D_{xy} (-x*y*phi)
    As with the ADI components, final transition matrix is given by I + dt/nu*P
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    U01 - domain markers
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    C = lil_matrix((len(x)**2,len(x)**2))
    for ii in range(len(x)-1)[:-1]:
        for jj in range(len(x)-1)[:-1]:
            if U01[ii+2,jj+2] == 1 or U01[ii+1,jj+2] == 1 or U01[ii+2,jj+1] == 1:
                if ii+1 < len(x) and jj+1 < len(x) and U01[ii+1,jj+1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += 1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj+1])
                if ii+1 < len(x) and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii+1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj-1])
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj+1 < len(x) and U01[ii-1,jj+1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj+1])
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii-1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += 1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj-1])
            elif U01[ii+1,jj+1] == 1 or U01[ii+1,jj] == 1 or U01[ii,jj+1] == 1:
                if ii+1 < len(x) and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii+1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj-1]) / 2
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj+1 < len(x) and U01[ii-1,jj+1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj+1]) / 2
                if ii-1 >= 0 and jj-1 >= 0 and U01[ii-1,jj-1] == 1:
                    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += 1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj-1])
    ii = 0
    jj = len(x)-2
    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii+1)*len(x)+(jj-1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii+1]*x[jj-1]) / 2
    ii = len(x)-2
    jj = 0
    C[ii*len(x)+jj,(ii-1)*len(x)+(jj+1)] += -1./4 * 1./(dx[ii]*dx[jj]) * (-x[ii-1]*x[jj+1]) / 2
    return C
def transition1D(x, dx, sig)

transition matrix for one dimensional integration x - grid dx - grid spacing dt - timestep for integration sig - selection coefficient nu - relative population size

Expand source code
def transition1D(x, dx, sig):
    transition matrix for one dimensional integration
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    dt - timestep for integration
    sig - selection coefficient
    nu - relative population size
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    PV = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
    PM = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        if ii == 0:
            PV[ii,ii] = 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PV[ii,ii+1] = -1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii+1]*(1-x[ii+1]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PM[ii,ii+1] = sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii+1] * (1-x[ii+1])
        elif ii == len(x) - 1:
            PV[ii,ii-1] = - 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii-1]*(1-x[ii-1]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1])
            PM[ii,ii-1] = sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii-1] * (1-x[ii-1])
            PV[ii,ii] = 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1])
            PV[ii,ii-1] = - 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii-1]*(1-x[ii-1]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1])
            PM[ii,ii-1] = - sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii-1] * (1-x[ii-1])
            PV[ii,ii] = 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii] - x[ii-1]) + 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii]*(1-x[ii]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PV[ii,ii+1] = - 1./2 * 1./dx[ii] * (x[ii+1]*(1-x[ii+1]))/(x[ii+1] - x[ii])
            PM[ii,ii+1] = sig / 2 / dx[ii] * x[ii+1] * (1-x[ii+1])
    return PV,PM
def transition2(x, dx, U01, sig1, sig2)

Implicit transition matrix for the ADI components of the discretization of the diffusion Time scaled by 2N, with variance and mean terms x(1-x) and \sigmax(1-x), resp. Store the tridiagonal elements of the matrices, which need to be adjusted by I + dtP, where I is the identity matrix x - grid dx - grid spacing U01 - domain markers sig1/2 - population scaled selection coefficients nu - relative population size

Expand source code
def transition2(x, dx, U01, sig1, sig2):
    Implicit transition matrix for the ADI components of the discretization of the diffusion
    Time scaled by 2N, with variance and mean terms x(1-x) and \sigma*x(1-x), resp.
    Store the tridiagonal elements of the matrices, which need to be adjusted by I + dt*P, where I is the identity matrix
    x - grid
    dx - grid spacing
    U01 - domain markers
    sig1/2 - population scaled selection coefficients
    nu - relative population size
    # XXX: Note that this function has been Cythonized. Below, an attempt is made to import the Cythonized version so that it will
    #      be automatically used instead of this version, if the user has compiled it.
    PV = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    PM = np.zeros((len(x),3,len(x)))
    for ii in range(len(x)):
        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        if ii > 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            V[np.max(np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1))] = 0
            for jj in np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][:-1]:
                if jj == 0:
                    A[jj,jj] =  - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                elif jj == np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][:-1][-1]:
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
        if ii == 0:
            V = x*(1-x)
            for jj in range(len(x)):
                if jj == 0:
                    A[jj,jj] =  - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                elif jj == len(x)-1:
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj])*2 * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj])*2 * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj-1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj-1]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) )
                    A[jj,jj] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( -V[jj]/(x[jj]-x[jj-1]) -V[jj]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
                    A[jj,jj+1] = - 1/(2*dx[jj]) * ( V[jj+1]/(x[jj+1]-x[jj]) )
        PV[ii,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PV[ii,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PV[ii,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))

        A = np.zeros((len(x),len(x)))
        x1 = x[ii]
        sig_new = sig2*(1-x-x1)/(1-x) + (sig2-sig1)*x1/(1-x)
        sig_new[-1] = 0
        M = sig_new*x*(1-x)
        M[np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][-1]] = 0
        for jj in np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0]:
            if jj == 0:
                A[jj,jj] += 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj+1] += 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj+1] ) / 2
            elif jj == np.where(U01[ii,:] == 1)[0][-1]:
                A[jj,jj-1] += 1/dx[jj] * 2 * ( - M[jj-1] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj] += 1/dx[jj] * 2 * ( - M[jj] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj-1] += 1/dx[jj] * ( - M[jj-1] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj] += 0 # 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj] - M[jj-1] ) / 2
                A[jj,jj+1] += 1/dx[jj] * ( M[jj+1] ) / 2
        PM[ii,0,:] = np.concatenate(( np.array([0]), np.diagonal(A,-1) ))
        PM[ii,1,:] = np.diagonal(A)
        PM[ii,2,:] = np.concatenate(( np.diagonal(A,1), np.array([0]) ))
    return PV,PM
def trinomial(ns, ii, jj)

Return ns!/(ii! * jj! * (ns-ii-jj)!) for large values

Expand source code
def trinomial(ns,ii,jj):
    Return ns!/(ii! * jj! * (ns-ii-jj)!) for large values
    return np.exp(math.lgamma(ns+1) - math.lgamma(ii+1) - math.lgamma(jj+1) - math.lgamma(ns-ii-jj+1))
def univariate_lognormal_pdf(x, sigma, mu)

Can compare to scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(x,sigma,0,np.exp(mu))

Expand source code
def univariate_lognormal_pdf(x,sigma,mu):
    Can compare to scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(x,sigma,0,np.exp(mu))
    return 1./(x*sigma*np.sqrt(2*math.pi)) * np.exp ( -(np.log(x) - mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2) )