Module dadi.TwoLocus.TLSpectrum_mod

Contains triallelic Spectrum object

Expand source code
Contains triallelic Spectrum object
import os
import numpy as np
import dadi

class TLSpectrum(
    Represents a two-locus frequency spectrum.

    The constructor has the format:
        fs = dadi.Triallele.TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible,
                                        extrap_x, extrap_t)

        data: The triallelic frequency spectrum data
        mask: An optional array of the same size as data, similar to dadi.Spectrum
        data_folded: If True, it is assumed that the input data is folded
        check_folding: If True and data_folded=True, the data and
                       mask will be checked to ensure they are consistent
        extrap_x: Optional floating point value specifying x value to use in
        extrap_t: Optional floating point value specifying t value to use in
    def __new__(subtype, data,, mask_infeasible=True, 
                data_folded=None, check_folding=True,
                dtype=float, copy=True, fill_value=np.nan, keep_mask=True,
                shrink=True, extrap_x=None, extrap_t=None):
        data = np.asanyarray(data)
        if mask is
            mask =
        subarr =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=copy,
                                       fill_value=fill_value, keep_mask=True, 
        subarr = subarr.view(subtype)
        if hasattr(data, 'folded'):
            if data_folded is None or data_folded == data.folded:
                subarr.folded = data.folded
            elif data_folded != data.folded:
                raise ValueError('Data does not have same folding status as '
                                 'was called for in TLSpectrum constructor.')
        elif data_folded is not None:
            subarr.folded = data_folded
            subarr.folded = False
        ### XXX To do: ensure that all goes well when creating the TLSpectrum, come
        ###     back to this
        # Check that if we're declaring that the input data is folded, it actually is,
        # and the mask reflects this.        
        if mask_infeasible:
        subarr.extrap_x = extrap_x
        subarr.extrap_t = extrap_t
        return subarr
    # See for information on
    # __array_finalize__ and __array_wrap__ methods.
    # We need these methods to ensure extra attributes get copied along when
    # we do arithmetic on the FS.
    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        if obj is None: 
            return, obj)
        self.folded = getattr(obj, 'folded', 'unspecified')
        self.extrap_x = getattr(obj, 'extrap_x', None)
        self.extrap_t = getattr(obj, 'extrap_t', None)
    def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None):
        result = obj.view(type(self))
        result =, obj, 
        result.folded = self.folded
        result.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return result
    def _update_from(self, obj):, obj)
        if hasattr(obj, 'folded'):
            self.folded = obj.folded
        if hasattr(obj, 'extrap_x'):
            self.extrap_x = obj.extrap_x
        if hasattr(obj, 'extrap_t'):
            self.extrap_t = obj.extrap_t
    # masked_array has priority 15.
    __array_priority__ = 20

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'TLSpectrum(%s, folded=%s)'\
                % (str(self), str(self.folded))

    def mask_infeasible(self):
        Mask any infeasible entries.
        ns = len(self)-1
        self.mask[0,0,0] = True
        self.mask[0,:,0] = True
        self.mask[0,0,:] = True
        for ii in range(len(self)):
            for jj in range(len(self)):
                for kk in range(len(self)):
                    if ii+jj+kk > ns:
                        self.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True

        for ii in range(len(self)):
            self.mask[ii,ns-ii,0] = True
            self.mask[ii,0,ns-ii] = True
        return self
    def unfold(self):
        if not self.folded:
            raise ValueError('Input Spectrum is not folded.')
        data =
        unfolded = TLSpectrum(data, mask_infeasible=True)
        unfolded.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        unfolded.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return unfolded

    def _get_sample_size(self):
        return np.asarray(self.shape)[0] - 1
    sample_size = property(_get_sample_size)
    def _ensure_shape_and_dimension(self):
        Ensure that fs has Npop dimensions.
    # Make from_file a static method, so we can use it without an instance.
    def from_file(fid, mask_infeasible=True, return_comments=False):
        Read frequency spectrum from file.

        fid: string with file name to read from or an open file object.
        mask_infeasible: If True, mask the infeasible entries in the triallelic spectrum.
        return_comments: If true, the return value is (fs, comments), where
                         comments is a list of strings containing the comments
                         from the file (without #'s).

        See to_file method for details on the file format.
        newfile = False
        # Try to read from fid. If we can't, assume it's something that we can
        # use to open a file.
        if not hasattr(fid, 'read'):
            newfile = True
            fid = open(fid, 'r')

        line = fid.readline()
        # Strip out the comments
        comments = []
        while line.startswith('#'):
            line = fid.readline()

        # Read the shape of the data
        shape,folded,extrap_x,extrap_t = line.split()
        shape = [int(shape)+1,int(shape)+1,int(shape)+1]

        data = np.fromstring(fid.readline().strip(), 
                                count=np.product(shape), sep=' ')
        # fromfile returns a 1-d array. Reshape it to the proper form.
        data = data.reshape(*shape)

        maskline = fid.readline().strip()
        mask = np.fromstring(maskline, 
                                count=np.product(shape), sep=' ')
        mask = mask.reshape(*shape)
        if folded == 'folded':
            folded = True
            folded = False
        if extrap_x == 'None':
            extrap_x = None
            extrap_x = float(extrap_x)
        if extrap_t == 'None':
            extrap_t = None
            extrap_t = float(extrap_t)

        # If we opened a new file, clean it up.
        if newfile:

        fs = TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible, data_folded=folded)
        fs.extrap_x = extrap_x
        fs.extrap_t = extrap_t
        if not return_comments:
            return fs
            return fs,comments
    def to_file(self, fid, precision=16, comment_lines=[], foldmaskinfo=True, extrapinfo=True):
        Write frequency spectrum to file.
        fid: string with file name to write to or an open file object.
        precision: precision with which to write out entries of the SFS. (They 
                   are formated via %.<p>g, where <p> is the precision.)
        comment lines: list of strings to be used as comment lines in the header
                       of the output file.
        foldmaskinfo: If False, folding and mask and population label
                      information will not be saved. This conforms to the file
                      format for dadi versions prior to 1.3.0.

        The file format is:
            # Any number of comment lines beginning with a '#'
            A single line containing N integers giving the dimensions of the fs
              array. So this line would be '5 5 3' for an SFS that was 5x5x3.
              (That would be 4x4x2 *samples*.)
            On the *same line*, the string 'folded' or 'unfolded' 
              denoting the folding status of the array
            A single line giving the array elements. The order of elements is 
              e.g.: fs[0,0,0] fs[0,0,1] fs[0,0,2] ... fs[0,1,0] fs[0,1,1] ...
            A single line giving the elements of the mask in the same order as
              the data line. '1' indicates masked, '0' indicates unmasked.
        # Open the file object.
        newfile = False
        if not hasattr(fid, 'write'):
            newfile = True
            fid = open(fid, 'w')

        # Write comments
        for line in comment_lines:
            fid.write('# ')

        # Write out the shape of the fs
        fid.write('{0} '.format(self.sample_size))

        if foldmaskinfo:
            if not self.folded:
                fid.write('unfolded ')
                fid.write('folded ')
        if extrapinfo:
            if not self.extrap_x:
                fid.write('None ')
                fid.write('{0} '.format(self.extrap_x))
            if not self.extrap_t:


        # Write the data to the file, ' ', '%%.%ig' % precision)

        if foldmaskinfo:
            # Write the mask to the file
            np.asarray(self.mask,int).tofile(fid, ' ')

        # Close file
        if newfile:

    tofile = to_file

    def marginalA(self):
        Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for A locus.
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        marg = dadi.Spectrum(np.zeros(ns+1))
        for fAB in range(ns):
            for fAb in range(ns-fAB):
                marg[fAB+fAb] += self[fAB,fAb,:].sum()

        marg.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        marg.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return marg

    def marginalB(self):
        Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for B locus.
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        marg = dadi.Spectrum(np.zeros(ns+1))
        for fAB in range(ns):
            for faB in range(ns-fAB):
                marg[fAB+faB] += self[fAB,:,faB].sum()

        marg.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        marg.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return marg

    def mean_r2(self):
        Mean of normalized squared correlation coefficient between A and B loci.
        from . import numerics
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        norm = self.sum()
        Dbin, r2bin = numerics.LD_per_bin(ns)
        return (self*r2bin).sum()/self.sum()

    def fold(self):
        if self.folded:
            raise ValueError('Input Spectrum is already folded.')
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        folded = 0*self
        for ii in range(ns+1):
            for jj in range(ns+1):
                for kk in range(ns+1):
                    if self.mask[ii,jj,kk]:
                    p = ii + jj
                    q = ii + kk
                    if p > ns/2 and q > ns/2:
                        # Switch A/a and B/b, so AB becomes ab, Ab becomes aB, etc
                        folded[ns-ii-jj-kk,kk,jj] = self[ns-ii-jj-kk,kk,jj] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                        folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
                    elif p > ns/2:
                        # Switch A/a, so AB -> aB, Ab -> ab, aB -> AB, and ab -> Ab
                        folded[kk,ns-ii-jj-kk,ii] = self[kk,ns-ii-jj-kk,ii] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                        folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
                    elif q > ns/2:
                        # Switch B/b, so AB -> Ab, Ab -> AB, aB -> ab, and ab -> aB
                        folded[jj,ii,ns-ii-jj-kk] = self[jj,ii,ns-ii-jj-kk] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                        folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
        folded.folded = True
        folded.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        folded.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return folded
    # Ensures that when arithmetic is done with TLSpectrum objects,
    # attributes are preserved. For details, see similar code in
    # dadi.Spectrum_mod
    for method in ['__add__','__radd__','__sub__','__rsub__','__mul__',
def %(method)s(self, other):
    if isinstance(other,
        newdata = (
        newmask =, other.mask)
        newdata = (other)
        newmask = self.mask
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_x') and self.extrap_x != other.extrap_x:
        extrap_x = None
        extrap_x = self.extrap_x
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_t') and self.extrap_t != other.extrap_t:
        extrap_t = None
        extrap_t = self.extrap_t
    outfs = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__, newdata, newmask, 
                                   extrap_x=extrap_x, extrap_t=extrap_t)
    return outfs
""" % {'method':method})

    # Methods that modify the Spectrum in-place.
    for method in ['__iadd__','__isub__','__imul__','__idiv__',
def %(method)s(self, other):
    if isinstance(other, (
        self.mask =, other.mask)
    else: (other)
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_x') and self.extrap_x != other.extrap_x:
        self.extrap_x = None
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_t') and self.extrap_t != other.extrap_t:
        self.extrap_t = None
    return self
""" % {'method':method})

    def _check_other_folding(self, other):
        Ensure other Spectrum has same .folded status
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__)\
           and (other.folded != self.folded):
            raise ValueError('Cannot operate with a folded Spectrum and an '
                             'unfolded one.')

# Allow TLSpectrum objects to be pickled. 
# See
    import copyreg
    # For Python 2.x compatibility
    import copy_reg as copyreg
def TLSpectrum_pickler(fs):
    # Collect all the info necessary to save the state of a TLSpectrum
    return TLSpectrum_unpickler, (, fs.mask, fs.folded,
                                   fs.extrap_x, fs.extrap_t)
def TLSpectrum_unpickler(data, mask, folded,
                          extrap_x, extrap_t):
    # Use that info to recreate the TLSpectrum
    return TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible=False,
                       extrap_x=extrap_x, extrap_t=extrap_t)
copyreg.pickle(TLSpectrum, TLSpectrum_pickler, TLSpectrum_unpickler)


def TLSpectrum_pickler(fs)
Expand source code
def TLSpectrum_pickler(fs):
    # Collect all the info necessary to save the state of a TLSpectrum
    return TLSpectrum_unpickler, (, fs.mask, fs.folded,
                                   fs.extrap_x, fs.extrap_t)
def TLSpectrum_unpickler(data, mask, folded, extrap_x, extrap_t)
Expand source code
def TLSpectrum_unpickler(data, mask, folded,
                          extrap_x, extrap_t):
    # Use that info to recreate the TLSpectrum
    return TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible=False,
                       extrap_x=extrap_x, extrap_t=extrap_t)


class TLSpectrum (data, mask=False, mask_infeasible=True, data_folded=None, check_folding=True, dtype=builtins.float, copy=True, fill_value=nan, keep_mask=True, shrink=True, extrap_x=None, extrap_t=None)

Represents a two-locus frequency spectrum.

The constructor has the format: fs = dadi.Triallele.TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible, data_folded, extrap_x, extrap_t)

data: The triallelic frequency spectrum data
mask: An optional array of the same size as data, similar to dadi.Spectrum
data_folded: If True, it is assumed that the input data is folded
check_folding: If True and data_folded=True, the data and
               mask will be checked to ensure they are consistent
extrap_x: Optional floating point value specifying x value to use in
extrap_t: Optional floating point value specifying t value to use in
Expand source code
class TLSpectrum(
    Represents a two-locus frequency spectrum.

    The constructor has the format:
        fs = dadi.Triallele.TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible,
                                        extrap_x, extrap_t)

        data: The triallelic frequency spectrum data
        mask: An optional array of the same size as data, similar to dadi.Spectrum
        data_folded: If True, it is assumed that the input data is folded
        check_folding: If True and data_folded=True, the data and
                       mask will be checked to ensure they are consistent
        extrap_x: Optional floating point value specifying x value to use in
        extrap_t: Optional floating point value specifying t value to use in
    def __new__(subtype, data,, mask_infeasible=True, 
                data_folded=None, check_folding=True,
                dtype=float, copy=True, fill_value=np.nan, keep_mask=True,
                shrink=True, extrap_x=None, extrap_t=None):
        data = np.asanyarray(data)
        if mask is
            mask =
        subarr =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=copy,
                                       fill_value=fill_value, keep_mask=True, 
        subarr = subarr.view(subtype)
        if hasattr(data, 'folded'):
            if data_folded is None or data_folded == data.folded:
                subarr.folded = data.folded
            elif data_folded != data.folded:
                raise ValueError('Data does not have same folding status as '
                                 'was called for in TLSpectrum constructor.')
        elif data_folded is not None:
            subarr.folded = data_folded
            subarr.folded = False
        ### XXX To do: ensure that all goes well when creating the TLSpectrum, come
        ###     back to this
        # Check that if we're declaring that the input data is folded, it actually is,
        # and the mask reflects this.        
        if mask_infeasible:
        subarr.extrap_x = extrap_x
        subarr.extrap_t = extrap_t
        return subarr
    # See for information on
    # __array_finalize__ and __array_wrap__ methods.
    # We need these methods to ensure extra attributes get copied along when
    # we do arithmetic on the FS.
    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        if obj is None: 
            return, obj)
        self.folded = getattr(obj, 'folded', 'unspecified')
        self.extrap_x = getattr(obj, 'extrap_x', None)
        self.extrap_t = getattr(obj, 'extrap_t', None)
    def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None):
        result = obj.view(type(self))
        result =, obj, 
        result.folded = self.folded
        result.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return result
    def _update_from(self, obj):, obj)
        if hasattr(obj, 'folded'):
            self.folded = obj.folded
        if hasattr(obj, 'extrap_x'):
            self.extrap_x = obj.extrap_x
        if hasattr(obj, 'extrap_t'):
            self.extrap_t = obj.extrap_t
    # masked_array has priority 15.
    __array_priority__ = 20

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'TLSpectrum(%s, folded=%s)'\
                % (str(self), str(self.folded))

    def mask_infeasible(self):
        Mask any infeasible entries.
        ns = len(self)-1
        self.mask[0,0,0] = True
        self.mask[0,:,0] = True
        self.mask[0,0,:] = True
        for ii in range(len(self)):
            for jj in range(len(self)):
                for kk in range(len(self)):
                    if ii+jj+kk > ns:
                        self.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True

        for ii in range(len(self)):
            self.mask[ii,ns-ii,0] = True
            self.mask[ii,0,ns-ii] = True
        return self
    def unfold(self):
        if not self.folded:
            raise ValueError('Input Spectrum is not folded.')
        data =
        unfolded = TLSpectrum(data, mask_infeasible=True)
        unfolded.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        unfolded.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return unfolded

    def _get_sample_size(self):
        return np.asarray(self.shape)[0] - 1
    sample_size = property(_get_sample_size)
    def _ensure_shape_and_dimension(self):
        Ensure that fs has Npop dimensions.
    # Make from_file a static method, so we can use it without an instance.
    def from_file(fid, mask_infeasible=True, return_comments=False):
        Read frequency spectrum from file.

        fid: string with file name to read from or an open file object.
        mask_infeasible: If True, mask the infeasible entries in the triallelic spectrum.
        return_comments: If true, the return value is (fs, comments), where
                         comments is a list of strings containing the comments
                         from the file (without #'s).

        See to_file method for details on the file format.
        newfile = False
        # Try to read from fid. If we can't, assume it's something that we can
        # use to open a file.
        if not hasattr(fid, 'read'):
            newfile = True
            fid = open(fid, 'r')

        line = fid.readline()
        # Strip out the comments
        comments = []
        while line.startswith('#'):
            line = fid.readline()

        # Read the shape of the data
        shape,folded,extrap_x,extrap_t = line.split()
        shape = [int(shape)+1,int(shape)+1,int(shape)+1]

        data = np.fromstring(fid.readline().strip(), 
                                count=np.product(shape), sep=' ')
        # fromfile returns a 1-d array. Reshape it to the proper form.
        data = data.reshape(*shape)

        maskline = fid.readline().strip()
        mask = np.fromstring(maskline, 
                                count=np.product(shape), sep=' ')
        mask = mask.reshape(*shape)
        if folded == 'folded':
            folded = True
            folded = False
        if extrap_x == 'None':
            extrap_x = None
            extrap_x = float(extrap_x)
        if extrap_t == 'None':
            extrap_t = None
            extrap_t = float(extrap_t)

        # If we opened a new file, clean it up.
        if newfile:

        fs = TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible, data_folded=folded)
        fs.extrap_x = extrap_x
        fs.extrap_t = extrap_t
        if not return_comments:
            return fs
            return fs,comments
    def to_file(self, fid, precision=16, comment_lines=[], foldmaskinfo=True, extrapinfo=True):
        Write frequency spectrum to file.
        fid: string with file name to write to or an open file object.
        precision: precision with which to write out entries of the SFS. (They 
                   are formated via %.<p>g, where <p> is the precision.)
        comment lines: list of strings to be used as comment lines in the header
                       of the output file.
        foldmaskinfo: If False, folding and mask and population label
                      information will not be saved. This conforms to the file
                      format for dadi versions prior to 1.3.0.

        The file format is:
            # Any number of comment lines beginning with a '#'
            A single line containing N integers giving the dimensions of the fs
              array. So this line would be '5 5 3' for an SFS that was 5x5x3.
              (That would be 4x4x2 *samples*.)
            On the *same line*, the string 'folded' or 'unfolded' 
              denoting the folding status of the array
            A single line giving the array elements. The order of elements is 
              e.g.: fs[0,0,0] fs[0,0,1] fs[0,0,2] ... fs[0,1,0] fs[0,1,1] ...
            A single line giving the elements of the mask in the same order as
              the data line. '1' indicates masked, '0' indicates unmasked.
        # Open the file object.
        newfile = False
        if not hasattr(fid, 'write'):
            newfile = True
            fid = open(fid, 'w')

        # Write comments
        for line in comment_lines:
            fid.write('# ')

        # Write out the shape of the fs
        fid.write('{0} '.format(self.sample_size))

        if foldmaskinfo:
            if not self.folded:
                fid.write('unfolded ')
                fid.write('folded ')
        if extrapinfo:
            if not self.extrap_x:
                fid.write('None ')
                fid.write('{0} '.format(self.extrap_x))
            if not self.extrap_t:


        # Write the data to the file, ' ', '%%.%ig' % precision)

        if foldmaskinfo:
            # Write the mask to the file
            np.asarray(self.mask,int).tofile(fid, ' ')

        # Close file
        if newfile:

    tofile = to_file

    def marginalA(self):
        Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for A locus.
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        marg = dadi.Spectrum(np.zeros(ns+1))
        for fAB in range(ns):
            for fAb in range(ns-fAB):
                marg[fAB+fAb] += self[fAB,fAb,:].sum()

        marg.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        marg.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return marg

    def marginalB(self):
        Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for B locus.
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        marg = dadi.Spectrum(np.zeros(ns+1))
        for fAB in range(ns):
            for faB in range(ns-fAB):
                marg[fAB+faB] += self[fAB,:,faB].sum()

        marg.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        marg.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return marg

    def mean_r2(self):
        Mean of normalized squared correlation coefficient between A and B loci.
        from . import numerics
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        norm = self.sum()
        Dbin, r2bin = numerics.LD_per_bin(ns)
        return (self*r2bin).sum()/self.sum()

    def fold(self):
        if self.folded:
            raise ValueError('Input Spectrum is already folded.')
        ns = self.shape[0] - 1
        folded = 0*self
        for ii in range(ns+1):
            for jj in range(ns+1):
                for kk in range(ns+1):
                    if self.mask[ii,jj,kk]:
                    p = ii + jj
                    q = ii + kk
                    if p > ns/2 and q > ns/2:
                        # Switch A/a and B/b, so AB becomes ab, Ab becomes aB, etc
                        folded[ns-ii-jj-kk,kk,jj] = self[ns-ii-jj-kk,kk,jj] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                        folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
                    elif p > ns/2:
                        # Switch A/a, so AB -> aB, Ab -> ab, aB -> AB, and ab -> Ab
                        folded[kk,ns-ii-jj-kk,ii] = self[kk,ns-ii-jj-kk,ii] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                        folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
                    elif q > ns/2:
                        # Switch B/b, so AB -> Ab, Ab -> AB, aB -> ab, and ab -> aB
                        folded[jj,ii,ns-ii-jj-kk] = self[jj,ii,ns-ii-jj-kk] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                        folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
        folded.folded = True
        folded.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
        folded.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
        return folded
    # Ensures that when arithmetic is done with TLSpectrum objects,
    # attributes are preserved. For details, see similar code in
    # dadi.Spectrum_mod
    for method in ['__add__','__radd__','__sub__','__rsub__','__mul__',
def %(method)s(self, other):
    if isinstance(other,
        newdata = (
        newmask =, other.mask)
        newdata = (other)
        newmask = self.mask
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_x') and self.extrap_x != other.extrap_x:
        extrap_x = None
        extrap_x = self.extrap_x
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_t') and self.extrap_t != other.extrap_t:
        extrap_t = None
        extrap_t = self.extrap_t
    outfs = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__, newdata, newmask, 
                                   extrap_x=extrap_x, extrap_t=extrap_t)
    return outfs
""" % {'method':method})

    # Methods that modify the Spectrum in-place.
    for method in ['__iadd__','__isub__','__imul__','__idiv__',
def %(method)s(self, other):
    if isinstance(other, (
        self.mask =, other.mask)
    else: (other)
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_x') and self.extrap_x != other.extrap_x:
        self.extrap_x = None
    if hasattr(other, 'extrap_t') and self.extrap_t != other.extrap_t:
        self.extrap_t = None
    return self
""" % {'method':method})

    def _check_other_folding(self, other):
        Ensure other Spectrum has same .folded status
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__)\
           and (other.folded != self.folded):
            raise ValueError('Cannot operate with a folded Spectrum and an '
                             'unfolded one.')


  • numpy.ndarray

Class variables

var method

Static methods

def from_file(fid, mask_infeasible=True, return_comments=False)

Read frequency spectrum from file.

fid: string with file name to read from or an open file object. mask_infeasible: If True, mask the infeasible entries in the triallelic spectrum. return_comments: If true, the return value is (fs, comments), where comments is a list of strings containing the comments from the file (without #'s).

See to_file method for details on the file format.

Expand source code
def from_file(fid, mask_infeasible=True, return_comments=False):
    Read frequency spectrum from file.

    fid: string with file name to read from or an open file object.
    mask_infeasible: If True, mask the infeasible entries in the triallelic spectrum.
    return_comments: If true, the return value is (fs, comments), where
                     comments is a list of strings containing the comments
                     from the file (without #'s).

    See to_file method for details on the file format.
    newfile = False
    # Try to read from fid. If we can't, assume it's something that we can
    # use to open a file.
    if not hasattr(fid, 'read'):
        newfile = True
        fid = open(fid, 'r')

    line = fid.readline()
    # Strip out the comments
    comments = []
    while line.startswith('#'):
        line = fid.readline()

    # Read the shape of the data
    shape,folded,extrap_x,extrap_t = line.split()
    shape = [int(shape)+1,int(shape)+1,int(shape)+1]

    data = np.fromstring(fid.readline().strip(), 
                            count=np.product(shape), sep=' ')
    # fromfile returns a 1-d array. Reshape it to the proper form.
    data = data.reshape(*shape)

    maskline = fid.readline().strip()
    mask = np.fromstring(maskline, 
                            count=np.product(shape), sep=' ')
    mask = mask.reshape(*shape)
    if folded == 'folded':
        folded = True
        folded = False
    if extrap_x == 'None':
        extrap_x = None
        extrap_x = float(extrap_x)
    if extrap_t == 'None':
        extrap_t = None
        extrap_t = float(extrap_t)

    # If we opened a new file, clean it up.
    if newfile:

    fs = TLSpectrum(data, mask, mask_infeasible, data_folded=folded)
    fs.extrap_x = extrap_x
    fs.extrap_t = extrap_t
    if not return_comments:
        return fs
        return fs,comments

Instance variables

var sample_size
Expand source code
def _get_sample_size(self):
    return np.asarray(self.shape)[0] - 1


def fold(self)
Expand source code
def fold(self):
    if self.folded:
        raise ValueError('Input Spectrum is already folded.')
    ns = self.shape[0] - 1
    folded = 0*self
    for ii in range(ns+1):
        for jj in range(ns+1):
            for kk in range(ns+1):
                if self.mask[ii,jj,kk]:
                p = ii + jj
                q = ii + kk
                if p > ns/2 and q > ns/2:
                    # Switch A/a and B/b, so AB becomes ab, Ab becomes aB, etc
                    folded[ns-ii-jj-kk,kk,jj] = self[ns-ii-jj-kk,kk,jj] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                    folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
                elif p > ns/2:
                    # Switch A/a, so AB -> aB, Ab -> ab, aB -> AB, and ab -> Ab
                    folded[kk,ns-ii-jj-kk,ii] = self[kk,ns-ii-jj-kk,ii] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                    folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
                elif q > ns/2:
                    # Switch B/b, so AB -> Ab, Ab -> AB, aB -> ab, and ab -> aB
                    folded[jj,ii,ns-ii-jj-kk] = self[jj,ii,ns-ii-jj-kk] + self[ii,jj,kk]
                    folded.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True
    folded.folded = True
    folded.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
    folded.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
    return folded
def marginalA(self)

Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for A locus.

Expand source code
def marginalA(self):
    Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for A locus.
    ns = self.shape[0] - 1
    marg = dadi.Spectrum(np.zeros(ns+1))
    for fAB in range(ns):
        for fAb in range(ns-fAB):
            marg[fAB+fAb] += self[fAB,fAb,:].sum()

    marg.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
    marg.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
    return marg
def marginalB(self)

Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for B locus.

Expand source code
def marginalB(self):
    Marginal 1D frequency spectrum for B locus.
    ns = self.shape[0] - 1
    marg = dadi.Spectrum(np.zeros(ns+1))
    for fAB in range(ns):
        for faB in range(ns-fAB):
            marg[fAB+faB] += self[fAB,:,faB].sum()

    marg.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
    marg.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
    return marg
def mask_infeasible(self)

Mask any infeasible entries.

Expand source code
def mask_infeasible(self):
    Mask any infeasible entries.
    ns = len(self)-1
    self.mask[0,0,0] = True
    self.mask[0,:,0] = True
    self.mask[0,0,:] = True
    for ii in range(len(self)):
        for jj in range(len(self)):
            for kk in range(len(self)):
                if ii+jj+kk > ns:
                    self.mask[ii,jj,kk] = True

    for ii in range(len(self)):
        self.mask[ii,ns-ii,0] = True
        self.mask[ii,0,ns-ii] = True
    return self
def mean_r2(self)

Mean of normalized squared correlation coefficient between A and B loci.

Expand source code
def mean_r2(self):
    Mean of normalized squared correlation coefficient between A and B loci.
    from . import numerics
    ns = self.shape[0] - 1
    norm = self.sum()
    Dbin, r2bin = numerics.LD_per_bin(ns)
    return (self*r2bin).sum()/self.sum()
def to_file(self, fid, precision=16, comment_lines=[], foldmaskinfo=True, extrapinfo=True)

Write frequency spectrum to file.

fid: string with file name to write to or an open file object. precision: precision with which to write out entries of the SFS. (They are formated via %.

g, where

is the precision.) comment lines: list of strings to be used as comment lines in the header of the output file. foldmaskinfo: If False, folding and mask and population label information will not be saved. This conforms to the file format for dadi versions prior to 1.3.0.

The file format is: # Any number of comment lines beginning with a '#' A single line containing N integers giving the dimensions of the fs array. So this line would be '5 5 3' for an SFS that was 5x5x3. (That would be 4x4x2 samples.) On the same line, the string 'folded' or 'unfolded' denoting the folding status of the array A single line giving the array elements. The order of elements is e.g.: fs[0,0,0] fs[0,0,1] fs[0,0,2] … fs[0,1,0] fs[0,1,1] … A single line giving the elements of the mask in the same order as the data line. '1' indicates masked, '0' indicates unmasked.

Expand source code
def to_file(self, fid, precision=16, comment_lines=[], foldmaskinfo=True, extrapinfo=True):
    Write frequency spectrum to file.

    fid: string with file name to write to or an open file object.
    precision: precision with which to write out entries of the SFS. (They 
               are formated via %.<p>g, where <p> is the precision.)
    comment lines: list of strings to be used as comment lines in the header
                   of the output file.
    foldmaskinfo: If False, folding and mask and population label
                  information will not be saved. This conforms to the file
                  format for dadi versions prior to 1.3.0.

    The file format is:
        # Any number of comment lines beginning with a '#'
        A single line containing N integers giving the dimensions of the fs
          array. So this line would be '5 5 3' for an SFS that was 5x5x3.
          (That would be 4x4x2 *samples*.)
        On the *same line*, the string 'folded' or 'unfolded' 
          denoting the folding status of the array
        A single line giving the array elements. The order of elements is 
          e.g.: fs[0,0,0] fs[0,0,1] fs[0,0,2] ... fs[0,1,0] fs[0,1,1] ...
        A single line giving the elements of the mask in the same order as
          the data line. '1' indicates masked, '0' indicates unmasked.
    # Open the file object.
    newfile = False
    if not hasattr(fid, 'write'):
        newfile = True
        fid = open(fid, 'w')

    # Write comments
    for line in comment_lines:
        fid.write('# ')

    # Write out the shape of the fs
    fid.write('{0} '.format(self.sample_size))

    if foldmaskinfo:
        if not self.folded:
            fid.write('unfolded ')
            fid.write('folded ')
    if extrapinfo:
        if not self.extrap_x:
            fid.write('None ')
            fid.write('{0} '.format(self.extrap_x))
        if not self.extrap_t:


    # Write the data to the file, ' ', '%%.%ig' % precision)

    if foldmaskinfo:
        # Write the mask to the file
        np.asarray(self.mask,int).tofile(fid, ' ')

    # Close file
    if newfile:
def tofile(self, fid, precision=16, comment_lines=[], foldmaskinfo=True, extrapinfo=True)

Write frequency spectrum to file.

fid: string with file name to write to or an open file object. precision: precision with which to write out entries of the SFS. (They are formated via %.

g, where

is the precision.) comment lines: list of strings to be used as comment lines in the header of the output file. foldmaskinfo: If False, folding and mask and population label information will not be saved. This conforms to the file format for dadi versions prior to 1.3.0.

The file format is: # Any number of comment lines beginning with a '#' A single line containing N integers giving the dimensions of the fs array. So this line would be '5 5 3' for an SFS that was 5x5x3. (That would be 4x4x2 samples.) On the same line, the string 'folded' or 'unfolded' denoting the folding status of the array A single line giving the array elements. The order of elements is e.g.: fs[0,0,0] fs[0,0,1] fs[0,0,2] … fs[0,1,0] fs[0,1,1] … A single line giving the elements of the mask in the same order as the data line. '1' indicates masked, '0' indicates unmasked.

Expand source code
def to_file(self, fid, precision=16, comment_lines=[], foldmaskinfo=True, extrapinfo=True):
    Write frequency spectrum to file.

    fid: string with file name to write to or an open file object.
    precision: precision with which to write out entries of the SFS. (They 
               are formated via %.<p>g, where <p> is the precision.)
    comment lines: list of strings to be used as comment lines in the header
                   of the output file.
    foldmaskinfo: If False, folding and mask and population label
                  information will not be saved. This conforms to the file
                  format for dadi versions prior to 1.3.0.

    The file format is:
        # Any number of comment lines beginning with a '#'
        A single line containing N integers giving the dimensions of the fs
          array. So this line would be '5 5 3' for an SFS that was 5x5x3.
          (That would be 4x4x2 *samples*.)
        On the *same line*, the string 'folded' or 'unfolded' 
          denoting the folding status of the array
        A single line giving the array elements. The order of elements is 
          e.g.: fs[0,0,0] fs[0,0,1] fs[0,0,2] ... fs[0,1,0] fs[0,1,1] ...
        A single line giving the elements of the mask in the same order as
          the data line. '1' indicates masked, '0' indicates unmasked.
    # Open the file object.
    newfile = False
    if not hasattr(fid, 'write'):
        newfile = True
        fid = open(fid, 'w')

    # Write comments
    for line in comment_lines:
        fid.write('# ')

    # Write out the shape of the fs
    fid.write('{0} '.format(self.sample_size))

    if foldmaskinfo:
        if not self.folded:
            fid.write('unfolded ')
            fid.write('folded ')
    if extrapinfo:
        if not self.extrap_x:
            fid.write('None ')
            fid.write('{0} '.format(self.extrap_x))
        if not self.extrap_t:


    # Write the data to the file, ' ', '%%.%ig' % precision)

    if foldmaskinfo:
        # Write the mask to the file
        np.asarray(self.mask,int).tofile(fid, ' ')

    # Close file
    if newfile:
def unfold(self)
Expand source code
def unfold(self):
    if not self.folded:
        raise ValueError('Input Spectrum is not folded.')
    data =
    unfolded = TLSpectrum(data, mask_infeasible=True)
    unfolded.extrap_x = self.extrap_x
    unfolded.extrap_t = self.extrap_t
    return unfolded