Package dadi

For examples of dadi's usage, see the examples directory in the source distribution.

Documentation of all methods can be found in doc/api/index.html of the source distribution.

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For examples of dadi's usage, see the examples directory in the source

Documentation of all methods can be found in doc/api/index.html of the source
import logging

from . import Demographics1D, Demographics2D, Inference, Integration
from . import Misc, Numerics, PhiManip, Spectrum_mod, tridiag, Godambe

# We do it this way so it's easier to reload.
Spectrum = Spectrum_mod.Spectrum

# Protect import of Plotting in case matplotlib not installed.
    from . import Plotting
except ImportError:

# When doing arithmetic with Spectrum objects (which are masked arrays), we
# often have masked values which generate annoying arithmetic warnings. Here
# we tell numpy to ignore such warnings. This puts greater onus on the user to
# check results, but for our use case I think it's the better default.
import numpy

def cuda_enabled(toggle=None):
    Enable or disable cuda execution
    if toggle is None:
        return Integration.cuda_enabled
    elif toggle == True:
            from . import cuda
            Integration.cuda_enabled = True
            return True
            print("Failed to import dadi.cuda")
            return False
    elif toggle == False:
        Integration.cuda_enabled = False
        return False
        raise ValueError("toggle must be True, False, or None")

__pdoc__ = {'cuda':False}

def pts_to_RAM(pts, P):
    Approximate RAM usage for a given grid points and number of populations 

    pts: Grid points setting
    P: Number of populations
    return 8*4*pts**P / 1024**3

def RAM_to_pts(RAM, P):
    Approximate maximum grid points given the number of populations and available RAM

    pts: Grid points setting
    P: Number of populations
    return int((RAM*1024**3/(8*4))**(1./P))

def citation():
    Print citation information for dadi codebase.
If you find dadi useful in your research, please cite:
RN Gutenkunst, RD Hernandez, SH Williamson, CD Bustamante "Inferring the joint demographic history of multiple populations from multidimensional SNP data" PLoS Genetics 5:e1000695 (2009)

If you find the Godambe Information Matrix methods useful, please cite:
AJ Coffman, P Hsieh, S Gravel, RN Gutenkunst "Computationally efficient composite likelihood statistics for demographic inference" Molecular Biology and Evolution 33:591 (2016)

If you find the DFE inference methods useful, please cite:
BY Kim, CD Huber, KE Lohmueller "Inference of the Distribution of Selection Coefficients for New Nonsynonymous Mutations Using Large Samples" Genetics 206:345 (2017)

If you find the triallelic methods useful, please cite:
AP Ragsdale, AJ Coffman, P Hsieh, TJ Struck, RN Gutenkunst "Triallelic population genomics for inferring correlated fitness effects of same site nonsynonymous mutations" Genetics 203:513 (2016)

If you find the two-locus methods useful, please cite:
AP Ragsdale, RN Gutenkunst "Inferring demographic history using two-locus statistics" Genetics 206:1037 (2017)



Fitting Distributions of Fitness Effects to population genomic data, both single-population and joint.


Single population demographic models.


Two population demographic models.


Parameter uncertainties and likelihood ratio tests using Godambe information.


Comparison and optimization of model spectra to data.


Functions for integrating population frequency spectra.


Miscellaneous utility functions. Including ms simulation.


Numerically useful functions, including extrapolation and default grid.


Manipulating population frequency spectra phi. e.g. population splittings and admixture


Routines for Plotting comparisons between model and data …


Contains Spectrum object, which represents frequency spectra.


Modeling triallelic data.


Fitting models to data summarized by pairs of loci, incorporating both allele frequencies and linkage disequilibrium


This module 'integration_c' is auto-generated with f2py (version:1.21.2).


phi = implicit_1Dx(phi,xx,nu,gamma,h,beta,dt,use_delj_trick) …


This module 'tridiag' is auto-generated with f2py (version:1.21.2).


u = tridiag(a,b,c,r) u = tridiag_fl(a,b,c,r) .


def RAM_to_pts(RAM, P)

Approximate maximum grid points given the number of populations and available RAM

pts: Grid points setting P: Number of populations

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def RAM_to_pts(RAM, P):
    Approximate maximum grid points given the number of populations and available RAM

    pts: Grid points setting
    P: Number of populations
    return int((RAM*1024**3/(8*4))**(1./P))
def citation()

Print citation information for dadi codebase.

Expand source code
def citation():
    Print citation information for dadi codebase.
If you find dadi useful in your research, please cite:
RN Gutenkunst, RD Hernandez, SH Williamson, CD Bustamante "Inferring the joint demographic history of multiple populations from multidimensional SNP data" PLoS Genetics 5:e1000695 (2009)

If you find the Godambe Information Matrix methods useful, please cite:
AJ Coffman, P Hsieh, S Gravel, RN Gutenkunst "Computationally efficient composite likelihood statistics for demographic inference" Molecular Biology and Evolution 33:591 (2016)

If you find the DFE inference methods useful, please cite:
BY Kim, CD Huber, KE Lohmueller "Inference of the Distribution of Selection Coefficients for New Nonsynonymous Mutations Using Large Samples" Genetics 206:345 (2017)

If you find the triallelic methods useful, please cite:
AP Ragsdale, AJ Coffman, P Hsieh, TJ Struck, RN Gutenkunst "Triallelic population genomics for inferring correlated fitness effects of same site nonsynonymous mutations" Genetics 203:513 (2016)

If you find the two-locus methods useful, please cite:
AP Ragsdale, RN Gutenkunst "Inferring demographic history using two-locus statistics" Genetics 206:1037 (2017)
def cuda_enabled(toggle=None)

Enable or disable cuda execution

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def cuda_enabled(toggle=None):
    Enable or disable cuda execution
    if toggle is None:
        return Integration.cuda_enabled
    elif toggle == True:
            from . import cuda
            Integration.cuda_enabled = True
            return True
            print("Failed to import dadi.cuda")
            return False
    elif toggle == False:
        Integration.cuda_enabled = False
        return False
        raise ValueError("toggle must be True, False, or None")
def pts_to_RAM(pts, P)

Approximate RAM usage for a given grid points and number of populations

pts: Grid points setting P: Number of populations

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def pts_to_RAM(pts, P):
    Approximate RAM usage for a given grid points and number of populations 

    pts: Grid points setting
    P: Number of populations
    return 8*4*pts**P / 1024**3